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Government publish resonse to consultation and revised statutory guidance re Home to School Travel and Transport 290623
Home Office Consultation: Firearms licensing: recommendations for changes 290623
LGA: Overwhelming majority of councils want hybrid meeting powers
Lessons learned: How to deliver effective regulation locally - National Audit Office Report
DfT publish revised home-to-school travel statutory guidance
European Supermarket loses alcohol licence after selling illegal cigarettes and alcohol
Illegal nightclub shuttered as Council acts to shut down menace to local community
Department for Communities open window for draft codes submissions
South Wales Police urge Swansea Council to re-adopt CIP
Legal action threatened over festival drug testing licensing
Consultation outcome published: Licensing Act 2003: regulatory easements consultation responses
Scotland launches licensing of activities involving animals consultation
Wales consult on proposed new licensing scheme for visitor accommodation
UK's largest nightclub owner calls in administrators
Little effort to disrupt child sexual exploitation in Rochdale
Woman kidnapped and sexually assaulted by fake taxi driver
IoL supporting the NTIA Summit
Regulatory services and net zero
Rogue taxi driver used unlicensed vehicle
Grassroots live music venues suffer 'most challenging year'
Liverpool city centre bar has licence revoked
Greggs scraps bid for 24-hour licence after council concerns
Disposable vapes to be banned
Disabled man refused taxi service due to assistance dog
Gloucester Cars Plc guilty of operating vehicles without a licence
Independent Venues Week: funding announced to music venues across Wales
Council re-launch new consultation on the Late-Night Levy
Welsh pub licence review after "drunk child" found "unconscious on pavement after party"
NPCC 'Walk Away' campaign aims to address alcohol related violence in the ENTE 121223
Glasgow strip club gets 4am alcohol licence despite concerns
Penalty notices introduced for animal health and welfare offences
Government publish specialist primate licence consultation response
Updated Licensing Act section 182 guidance
Spiking to be targeted in raft of new measures
LGA updated guidance on locally set licensing fees
Gambling Commission consultations on financial penalties and ownership reporting
DCMS fund to support grassroots music
Spiking – information, guidance and factsheets
Pedicabs (London) Bill
'Pints' of wine stocked on Britain's shelves for the first time ever
New legal restrictions on XL Bully dog now in force
One UK grassroots music venues closing per week
PHV operators begin recording driver revenue
New Year's honours 2024
Institute of Licensing & LGA set Licensing Committee Member Training Standard
Local Government Association and Institute of Licensing: Training standard published Dec 2023
Hand car wash licensing
Balham restaurant exploiting its staff loses licence after Home Office raid
Whitby bar's licence decision delayed "to allow sale"
MPs back card payments on gaming machines
West Midlands Women’s Night Safety Charter launched
Survey shows rise in popularity of low and no alcohol alternatives
Pub's licence to be reviewed amid reports of staff brawling with customers
Minister letter to licensing authorities on training and planning
£6m fine for online operator Gamesys
Fourth National Lottery licence: IGT discontinues appeal
Plans unveiled for statutory registration and licensing scheme for visitor accommodation in Wales
NTIA unveils figures from flash poll on UK night time economy business trade during the festive period
Rhyl pub licence suspended after reports of staff fighting with customers
Number of licensed premises drop to "record low"
IoL National Chairman 04012024
Consultation launch: Alcohol Licensing - Digital Identity, Technology and Remote Sales
Government confirms commencement of permanent pavement licensing scheme
Bet365 to pay £582,120 for regulatory failures
‘Safer Crowds, Safer Venues’ initiative launched
Wakefield city centre venue has licence revoked following police operation
Pubs fail gaming machine test
Gambling Commission unveils a new three-year Corporate Strategy
Animal Licensing Wales project extended until 2025
IoL response to Welsh Government Consultation: Draft regulations and statutory guidance for mandatory licensing of special procedures 08042024
Swindon renews cumulative impact zone
Hemp licensing changes will help grow UK economy
England games increase pub sales by a fifth
Changes to the frequency of Gambling Commission Regulatory Returns comes into force
ENTE's "grapples with an alarming rise in business failures"
City council launches random drug testing policy for taxi drivers
Plan to extend stricter alcohol licensing revealed
IoL Consultation: Review of Suitability Guidance for taxi and private hire licensing
Spiking of university students to be tackled
Police failing to screen suspects for gambling addiction
Councils in England to get new powers over traffic offences
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill Second Reading
Jeremy Allen Award 2022 - nominations now open!
LINK 14 now available online
LGA: Give councils flexibility to offer virtual meeting options and open-up local democracy to all
Argos failed in a bid to have proceedings brought against it stayed as an abuse of the process
Entries are being sought for the National Pubwatch Awards 2022
Drugs strategy guidance for local delivery partners
COVID-19 – 2nd National lockdown for England
Rishi Sunak to extend furlough scheme to end of March
End of Welsh “firebreak” from today & next steps
Pubs and restaurants granted ‘automatic’ permission for takeaway food and alcohol until 2022
Boost for restaurants, pubs and cafes as Jenrick extends takeaway services
Northern Ireland reopening - Statement on Executive decisions
Local Restrictions Support Grant - Guidance for nightclubs, dance halls or adult entertainment businesses on eligibility
Businesses in England to receive £2.2 billion to see them through national restrictions
Alcohol sale ban considered in new tier system
£10k fines for gatherings temporary halted by police
Level 4 lockdown to be imposed in 11 Scottish council areas
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for taxis and PHVs
New DBS filtering rules from 28th November
Draft Finance Bill 2020-21 – IoL Response
Covid-19: Strengthened tier system for England and special Christmas measures expected
Northern Ireland Executive agrees two-week circuit breaker
New enforcement powers for local authorities from 2 December
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions)(England) (No. 4) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
Micheal Gove tell councils to cut Jubilee red tape
DfT write to councils to prepare for new Disabled Persons Act
Regulatory easement in respect of off-sales of alcohol to cease
Coronavirus regulations to end in Wales
Minimum unit price not changing alcoholics' habits
Distributing tips fairly: draft statutory code of practice (Dept for Business and Trade Consultation)
Government backs new pet abduction law in pet theft crackdown
Portman Group launches first industry wide Alcohol Alternatives Guidance for packaging and marketing
Court rejects appeal by businessman over revocation of alcohol licence
Scotland introduce "safeguards" on XL Bully dogs
IoL and Gambling Business Group at ICE
Removing largest wine glass serving reduces amount of wine sold in bars and pubs
Alcohol licence in couple's garden granted against their objections
Food vendor ordered to pay nearly £10,000 in fines
Welsh Government Consultation: Licensing of animal welfare establishments, activities and exhibits
IoL responds to Welsh Government Consultation on Licensing of animal welfare establishments, activities and exhibits 01032024
Welsh Government Consultation: Draft regulations and statutory guidance for mandatory licensing of special procedures 12022024
Licensing Authorities - renewals of Licensing Authority Policy Statements under the Gambling Act 2005 due January 2025 (1)
New deal for Scottish pub tenants
Tamworth taxi driver licence revoked
Gambling Commission issue guidance on SoLP reviews
Government must clamp down on unregulated canine fertility clinics and unlicensed pet breeders, say MPs
Right to licence documents list amended
Government Issue Updated LA2003 Forms
Covid-19 temporary adjusted checks extended again
DEFRA request for information on licensed dog boarding facilities Inbox
Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill passing its final hurdle in the House of Lords
New guidance documents for preventing illegal working in licensed premises
Regenerating the future of Scotland’s town centres
Harsher sentences introduced for ‘spiking’ drugs
Report animal activity licences and fees to the Secretary of State - new online form
Scottish security operatives face realistic terror scenarios in nightclub exercise
Welsh Government supporting growth and development of home grown events
IoL Patron Jon Collins appointed as CEO of LIVE
£140,000 confiscated from man behind illegal Facebook lottery
DfT Best Practice Guidance - changes tracked
Uber v Sefton Judgement
UK Music report: foreign and domestic tourists at festivals and concerts
Scottish Government consults on raising minimum unit pricing
Taxi driver fined following a successful prosecution by Telford & Wrekin Council
Home Office: Police led alcohol intervention checklist and toolkit
LGA calls for public health objective
Gambling Commission publishes new research which explores the gambling journeys and behaviours of young people
Nightlife industry joins COVID-19 vaccine push for young people
Licensing committees and procedural defects
Northern Ireland Executive agrees relaxation of COVID rules
Oxfordshire council's decision not to give taxi licence is upheld
Martyn's Law: MPs criticise draft of anti-terror legislation
Section 182 Guidance amendments published (310723)
Government-backed insurance scheme to give boost to events industry
Statutory guidance amended: Local authority powers to impose restrictions: Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No 3) Regulations 2020
Animal Welfare Guidance review
Ministers reject calls for council meetings to be held online
LAIA 2018 Refreshed Guidance Documents - To come into force 1st Feb 2022
Review of the IoL's Guidance on determining the suitability of applicants and licensees in the hackney and private hire trades
Small society lotteries registered with local authorities - minimum age limit
Hilton couple fined for unlicensed dog breeding
NHS doubles gambling clinics as referrals soar
Fuller’s named as Corporate Community Her
Government issue statement on Safer Streets Round Five
Welsh Government announce "Food and Drink Festivals and Events Fund"
Former taxi driver pays price for driving without licence
Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, England: 2023
Update on Gambling Commission's plans for Gambling Act Review implementation
Gambling Commission welcomes ICO backing for consumer protection initiatives
Oxford driver prosecuted for driving a PHV without a licence
Betfred to pay £3.25 million for anti-money laundering and safer gambling failings
Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 Update
Wales as a Global Tourist Destination – Report by the House of Commons Committee
Premises convicted for offences under the Licensing Act 2003 and H&S at Work Act
Successful prosecutions for licensing offences
County Lines drug gang jailed
Guidance for local authorities on remote meetings following High Court judgment
Lockdown easing paused in Scotland
No-alcohol beer on tap ‘in all Bristol pubs’
“No alcohol strategy” – Home Office confirms
Ireland notifies EU of regulation to ban alcohol promotions
First anniversary of MUP in Scotland
Oxfordshire planning outdoor smoking ban
Quarter of restaurants, pubs and bars remain closed
Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill
‘Lost summer’ for music festivals
Major change to NI gambling laws
Review of the Gambling Act 2005 - IoL member survey
Strengthening lockdown restrictions in Scotland
Supreme Court backs policyholders in lockdown insurance dispute
Night Time Economy APPG issue Call for Evidence on the impact of Covid-19
APPG request for local authority evidence re COVID impact on nightlife
Northern Ireland’s liquor licensing reform passed by Stormont
Red tape cut to allow campsites to remain open all summer
Licensee ordered to pay over £18,000 for illegally screening Sky Sports
NHS tells betting firms to stop 'vicious gambling cycle'
BGC rolls out festive safer gambling campaign
Council awarded iESE achievement award for licensing
UKHospitality and BBPA launch guidance for tackling under-age gambling in pubs
Defra notice regarding zoos inspections
COVID-19 Winter Plan
UK-wide Christmas arrangements agreed by the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations
Government announce England’s new Covid Tiers
Government publication: Transmission risk in the hospitality sector
At least 50k English sites to be shut or unviable next week
Government guidance for the Christmas Period
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Local Authority Enforcement Powers and Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) Regulations 2020
New Parliamentary report highlights devastating impact of pandemic on UK’s coastal regions
£340m support for Welsh businesses as new coronavirus rules announced
Guidance on the new tiers has now been published
DfT Update: Tiering and Christmas Travel Announcement
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 (1)
New amendments to Obligation of Undertakings Regulations - Consolidated
R v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and Secretary of State for Education ex parte Dolan and Others. [2020] EWCA Civ 1605
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions and Functions of Local Authorities) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Challenge to coronavirus self-isolation restrictions dismissed
Guidance: Additional COVID-19 local authority enforcement powers
House of Commons Briefing paper - Betting shops: licensing and planning issues
Scotland - £104 million tourism and hospitality lifeline
Northern Ireland Executive statement on Christmas arrangements
Two hundred independent cinemas supported through the Culture Recovery Fund this Christmas
NEXSTART Q&As - the All Tiers Regulations (England) and guidance (17 December)
New Local Authority Covid Enforcement Powers by Gary Grant
Early review of Tiers in England
LGA responds to Tier 4 announcement
£830 million funding boost for high streets
Government Response to the House of Lords Gambling Industry Committee Report: Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry
Review of Local Restriction Tiers by Area
Scotland enter full lockdown from tomorrow
Economic Affairs Committee report on Finance Bill
England move to Tier 5 national lockdown
Message from the Lord Chief Justice: latest COVID-19 restrictions
Northern Ireland Executive: Statement on additional restrictions
Prime Minister announces national lockdown
£4.6 billion in new lockdown grants to support businesses and protect jobs
Met announces stricter Covid enforcement approach
NPCC / College of Policing Brief on the national lockdown regulations and enforcement
Lockdown III: The Impact on Businesses
IoL join CIEH to demand regulation for cosmetic treatments
Government launch action plan for animal welfare
Councils suspending meetings and delegating decisions in online meetings fallout
Government postpone face-to-face right to work checks
Company given substantial fine for unlawful mobile home
Wales will move into alert level 2 on 17 May
"Significant" easing of restrictions across most of Scotland
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps and Other Provisions) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
Street traders lose legal challenge over “innovative product” street trading policy
A tenth of Britain's restaurants lost during pandemic
Tax Conditionality update from HMRC
Local lockdowns not ruled out -
Scotland impose higher local restrictions for certain areas
Two people charged for private hire vehicle fraud by Council thanks to public reports
LINK 10 - now available online
Scotland impose movement restrictions on certain English areas
Government guidance impose local restrictions
Six pubs close per week during coronavirus pandemic
PM said England on track to lift all Covid restrictions by June 21
Big events without masks are no riskier than shopping
Uber seek High Court endorsement of its approach
Gambling Commission publish updated GLA
CIEH - 2020/21 Noise Survey
House of Lords COVID-19 Committee launches inquiry on the impact of the pandemic on towns and cities.
Institute of Licensing’s Guidance on determining suitability of applicants and licensees in the hackney and private hire trades.
Home Office Consultation on proposals update Section 182 Guidance to make reference to spiking (Dec 2022)
Bedford confirmed as first town in UK to trial Uber ‘Local Cab’ initiative
Institute of Licensing response to Home Office consultation re the proposed Protect Duty
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 30) Regulations 2021
Over 7,000 licensed premises still in limbo following ‘freedom day’
Welsh Government Consultation: Dog breeding establishments - local authority guidance
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Bill - Second Reading
Extension to contingency face covering distribution programme for both passengers and worker
New powers to tackle cruel puppy smuggling move step closer
Festival wins licence and defeats high court challenge
Welsh Government Consultation: Pet sales licensing regulations – local authority guidance
Northamptonshire: Council to pay former publican substantial damages
People asked to keep Wales safe as alert level 2 measures stay in place 060122
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee: relaxation of licensing hours (Consultation)
Government publishes Protect Duty consultation findings
Home Office and DBS prepare for new digital identity checks
Consultation on changes and updates to Gambling Commission's Licensing, Compliance, and Enforcement Policy
Scotland: Large outdoor events resume from 17 January
Gambling Commission and Local Authorities: Applying a public health approach to tackling gambling harms
Bristol nil SEV policy "will put dancers in danger"
‘No regulator’ at large events to ensure adequate first aid provision
England's Plan B restrictions to be "scrapped"
Nightclubs in Wales to re-open in Welsh Restrictions Review
Council prosecution sees dog breeders ordered to pay £450k+
Government response to the consultation on Offensive Weapons Act 2019: draft statutory guidance
Scotland: Omicron measures to be lifted (180122)
Face mask rules and Covid passes to end in England
Numbers of spiking cases ‘underreported’
Action to improve animal welfare in Scotland
Judicial review challenge against Welsh Ministers over “unevidenced” Covid Pass scheme
Telford and Wrekin Council cracks down on illegal puppy trading
Phased easing of Covid restrictions to continue in Wales
Prison sentence for unlicensed Caerphilly dog breeder
All Party Parliamentary Betting & Gaming Group publish findings
Gambling Local Authority Return Changes
Plan B rules phased out in England
1,300 reports of needle spiking incidents in six months
Covid in Scotland: Rules on distancing and face masks relaxed further
Wales completes move to alert level zero with nightclubs reopening
Up to one million women in Great Britain at risk of gambling harms
Scottish COVID Recovery and Reform Bill introduced
Local government bodies call for change in law on remote meetings
Government announces pilot events to pave way for larger audiences at sport, theatre and gigs this summer
COVID-19 restriction relaxations in Wales brought forward
High Court Hears Challenge to Birmingham Street Trading Policy
Restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services guidance updated
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps and Local Authority Enforcement Powers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
MHCLG to support virtual meetings legal action
TfL given permission for appeal in Streetspace ruling
Wiltshire pub's new chalet 'breaks Covid rules'
Five casinos fined for social responsibility failings
Closing certain businesses and venues in England guidance updated
Reopening businesses and venues in England guidance updated
Common standards for taxi and private hire licensing around Gloucestershire
Pubs and cafes to open outdoors from 30 April in NI
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 20) Regulations 2021
£50,000 in financial penalties for unlicensed dog and cat breeders (1)
Robert Jenrick MP letter to councils to reopening outdoor hospitality safely
COVID-19 enforcement powers for local authorities guidance updated
Festival Republic joins Government pilot programme with a live gig to trial the safe return of fans
Events Research Programme Guidance published
Accelerated easing of restrictions in Scotland
Outdoor hospitality given go-ahead to reopen and rules on mixing outdoors relaxed in Wales
Scotland: Moving to Level 3
BRIT Awards to go ahead with live audience
Coronavirus updated guidance for local government
Government announce end of remote right to work checks
DfT offer facemasks to Local Transport Authorities and transport operators
Wales prepares for indoor hospitality reopening from 17 May
Lockdown fines should be reviewed, say MPs
We’re on track to lift all Covid restrictions by June 21 - PM
UK arts figures call for Covid certificates to revive industry
High Court dismisses virtual meeting application
DfT sets date for taxi guidance implementation
Minister letter following remote hearing judgment
Can remote licensing hearings continue?
Euro Guide 2021 published
Pleasant Lands – a Report Promising a Solution to ‘Draconian, Pointless’ Hemp Legislation
Remote meetings High Court judgment - letter to council leaders
Three seriously injured in Edinburgh rickshaw crash
Cost of implementing new DfT statutory guidance
Court to hear JR over grant of operator’s licence for FREENOW ride-hailing app
Indoor hospitality legal challenge fails
A letter from our Chairman
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Functions of Local Authorities etc.) (Wales) Regulations 2020, as amended
Scottish Government faces legal action over Covid restrictions
Rescued cats and dogs will not return to irresponsible owners
PM confirms reopening of indoor hospitality from 17 May
All legal restrictions to end on 21 March
Partnership working highlighted as way forward for pub sector
Independent review of the disclosure and barring regime
New face mask rules for Wales as coverings are no longer needed in all indoor settings 280222
Local government groups issue model motion for councils to show support for choice to hold remote and hybrid meetings
Tougher UK gambling regulation needed to protect communities – councils and Police and Crime Commissioners say
The Government announces its intention to introduce a new system of licensing for England for cosmetic procedures
ICO issues reprimand over roll out of NHS Scotland Covid Status app
Government accused of failing to regulate 'parasitic' gambling industry
Wales plan to remove all existing Covid restrictions
Government publishes response to House of Lords COVID-19 Committee’s report “Towns and Cities: Local Power is the Path to Recovery” Online Forms - Survey 080322
DEFRA Animal activities licensing: statutory guidance for local authorities
The Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2021 180222
Wales smoke free provisions will tighten on 1 March 2022 210222
Prime Minister sets out plan for living with COVID
Gambling Commission updates guidance on fair terms and practices
Drink spiking will become a criminal offence under new legislation
Met sets out policing approach ahead of new Covid-19 restrictions
Local COVID-19 alert level update: 15 October 2020
Liverpool City Region to move into 'very high' local COVID Alert Level following rise in coronavirus infections
Wales to introduce travel restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's route map and regulatory review
COVID restrictions tighten in Northern Ireland
NEXSTART Q&As on Coronavirus Regulations and Compliance
Licence extensions for home dog boarders – LA's discretion
And the winner is…. David Lucas (Winner of the Jeremy Allen Award 2019)
HMRC write to licence holders following mandatory tax check requirements
Warning UK's live music face closures
UK pubs brace for mass closures as energy costs soar
LLG issues guidance to members on holding local authority meetings during period of mourning
Camelot withdraws National Lottery appeal
Conviction for taxi driver who worked illegally following licence refusal
LGA responds to ONS alcohol death data
South Wales Police Launch Designated Drive Scheme ‘DES’.
Martyn’s Law: Draft legislation due in the Spring
Government announces six-month extension to alcohol duty freeze
Homeland Security Policy Update
DCMS Committee to examine regulation of gambling (Dec 22)
Private hire driver convicted and fined for offering rides illegally at Henley Regatta
Brixton Academy licence suspended after fatal crush
Sensitive Information in Licensing Applications (SILA) - Update
Crane nightclub faces urgent licence review after fatal stabbing
Age verification technology in alcohol sales - trial findings published
Government publish Martyn’s Law factsheet
Melton Mowbray remove CIP
Nominations invited for IoL Chairman position (Dec 2022)
Winchester taxi driver loses revocation appeal
All TfL private hire vehicles licensed for first time to be zero-emission capable
Tewkesbury Council prosecute dog breeder and seller for fraudulent actions
Participants needed for research into violence against women at night
Glasgow night-time industry must provide staff travel home
Greene King leads the way in achieving Best Bar None’s new multi-site accreditation
Government supports a new public sexual harassment offence
Business rates revaluation 2023
Concerns expressed at continued delay in Government response on local authority remote meetings
Government proposes extension to Scottish short-term lets licensing scheme deadline
Purple Guide for the Events industry
Home Office issue revised s.182 guidance under the Licensing Act 2003
Government consults on extended licensing hours for Coronation
Casa Cruz - Decision published - Updated with full decision notice
The Office: District Judge rules on Covid-19 Summary Review
Government announces allocation of £100 million to support recovery of leisure centres
Nottingham's Late Night Levy to end next month
NPCC issue new spiking guidance
LGA guidance note on drink spiking prevention
Council urge residents to check their "doggy day care" providers
Guernsey taxi sector not fit for purpose, review finds
Sefton Council clarifies driver licensing process delays
"Popular" Northampton nightclub face premises licence revocation
The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2022
Alcohol Duty scrapped
Stay safe against spiking, students warned
LGA publish Public Protection Services Handbook
Defra review of the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
Kept Animals Bill
Survey on harassment in the night-time economy
Lockdown Regulations were not ultra vires - Court of Appeal
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 3) and (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
Scotland: Coronavirus tourism and hospitality sector guidance
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) Regulations 2020: Enforcement advice for local authorities
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Very High) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Medium, High and Very High) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
Liverpool Council to remove its Cumulative Impact Policy Areas
Licence suspension for London venue paid to break lockdown
‘Lucy’s Law’ to become law in Scotland
Preston Gym closed following coronavirus breaches
Suitable qualified officers - Updated Defra Procedural Guidance
DSO and LLG to seek court declaration on ability to hold remote meetings
LINK Edition 9 published
Taxi licence applicant fined after failing to disclose previous driving convictions
Almost a third of prosecutions under Coronavirus legislation dropped
Pub owner loses licence after multiple breaches of coronavirus rules
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
Supermarkets face coronavirus inspections by local authorities
More councils removing Cumulative Impact Zones in Covid response
English pubs ‘still waiting for grants’
High Court Quashes the Mayor of London's Streetspace Plan and TfL’s Bishopsgate Traffic Management Order
Delivering Local Authority Regulatory Services over Winter 2021 – MHCLG
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (England) (Amendment) (No. 7) Regulations 2021
Rapid tests could help reopen nightclubs, PM suggests
Government looking to change law to make hybrid council meetings permanent
Ministers reject demands to end lockdown by May
SIA licences – changes to training requirements
Alcohol sales and consumption in Scotland during the early stages of the COVID-19
ENTE APPG Report on Covid 19 Impact on UK Nightlife
NI lockdown extended until 1 April
DEFRA writes to Council regarding Ukrainian pets entering the UK
NAFN NR3 Update
Gloucester Councillor on trial for illegal puppy business
Shops alcohol licence revoked after thousands of illegal cigarettes found on premises
LGA seeks amendment to Levelling Up Bill to create pavement licence offence
Updated Equality Act 2010 for taxis and PH
UKHospitality releases Levelling Up report
Dog breeding licences revoked after animals found mistreated in Morecambe
DPTAC response to the taxi and PHV best practice guidance consultation
Most significant change to taxi and private hire vehicle accessibility legislation in 12 years
Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill passes
High Court lifts automatic suspension of award of contract for fourth National Lottery operating licence
Greater Manchester Combined Authority calls on government to assist in creating new law banning out-of-area taxis
Fully-funded support for hospitality sector in Greater Manchester to drive recruitment and boost growth
Business Friendly Licensing and Regulation fund
LGA submission to the Department for Transport’s consultation on the taxi and private hire vehicle best practice guidance
RSPCA urge more councils to ban goldfish as prizes
Puppy breeding investigations, enquiries and prosecutions rise in Wales
Pub numbers fall to lowest on record
DLUHC "Forward Look for Regulatory Services" Update
UK driving licence now exists on the Government Gateway
LGA welcomes DfT Best Practice Guidance
Flaws in the licensing system remain unresolved, says new Lords report
Plans to introduce regulation of dermal fillers in Scotland
DfT publish latest taxi and private hire vehicle statistics
Publication of Government response to spiking report
"Companies must do more to ensure safe and responsible gaming" - Government
Taxi driver disqualified and fined after offering rides illegally at Henley Regatta
Government backs new law to ensure all staff keep their tips
Off-sales regulatory easement to be extended
The Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2022
Private hire apps are legal: R (UTAG) v TfL & Transopco UK Ltd
Al fresco dining boost for businesses
Extending tax checks to licences in Scotland and Northern Ireland
Camelot and IGT granted permission to appeal National Lottery licence decision
Al fresco dining boost for businesses (1)
Low alcohol ABV strength to be reviewed
Welsh Government consult on draft national transport delivery plan
New guidance brings clarity on employment status for workers and businesses
Pubs should be ‘first port of call’ for charity and grassroots sports support
Nightclubs closures since Covid
Pubs Code Adjudicator launches its three-year strategy
Government launch public sexual harassment consultation
Greggs fails in bid for 24-hour Leicester Square store
Health and Social Care Committee recommend licensing regime for non-surgical cosmetic procedures as "a priority"
Pavement licences - Updated Guidance
ProtectUK App
Rogue landlord banned from letting and managing properties in Coventry
Committee recommend changes to taxi and private hire driver licence standards to improve public safety in Leeds
Northern Ireland Government launches consultation on taxi fares review
Unlicensed driver hire leads to hefty fine for taxi boss
Thousands of jobs and businesses at risk due to cost of energy, warn hospitality leaders
Pubs & bars ‘at risk of being forgotten’, say Scottish hospitality trade bodies
Market impact data on gambling behaviour - operator data to June 2022
LGA Safeguarding and Road Safety Act briefing note published
Pubs closure warning as energy prices soar
Tim Smith appointed industry chair of Food and Drink Sector Council
Wales’ Cultural Recovery Fund provided a lifeline to the sector, new report
'Free Now' granted TfL licence “longer than any major competitor”
UK's 'smallest off-licence' to open in Norwich
SIA and NaCTSO investigation leads to 50 SIA licences seized
The Institute of Licensing pays tribute to Her Majesty the Queen
COVID-19: NEXTSTART guidance on pavement licences
COVID-19: Face coverings to become mandatory on public transport
More face-to-face hearings as courts reopen
Government responds to the DCMS Select Committee Report and launches call for evidence into loot boxes
Pubs call for clarity over reopening plans
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: PM: Six people can meet outside under new measures to ease lockdown
CPNI security advice notes
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Police step back from action against restriction Regulations
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020
Scottish Courts and Tribunals buildings - plans to reopen next week
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Scotland’s lockdown begins to ease in Phase 1
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: New and updated Guidance to support the latest lockdown relaxations in England
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Restrictions on Movement and Business Closures UPDATED
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Northern Ireland Economy Minister announces re-opening plan for hotels and other tourist accommodation
COVID19 Licensing Issues: LGA guidance on use of screens in PHVs and taxis
COVID-19: BEIS Committee calls for evidence on Post-Pandemic Economic Growth
COVID-19: The outdoor café campaign, by Philip Kolvin
COVID-19: Study to investigate COVID-19 impact on gamblers
COVID19 Licensing Issues: Guidance on off-sales and compliance with restriction regulations
Air Quality Strategy to Reduce Coronavirus infection - APPG
COVID-19 Business Closures - Guidance updated 5 June
COVID-19: Northern Ireland Executive confirms changes to Covid-19 regulations
COVID-19: Business Secretary launches working groups to help unleash Britain's growth potential
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Pubs could open ‘sooner than July’
£100 million rescue package for England’s zoos and aquariums
Mandatory MOT testing to be reintroduced from 1 August
IoF Covid19 fundraising guidance
Local lockdown measures for Leicester
COVID-19 Guidance for using council buildings (remote meetings should continue)
Live Music Stars in Plea for Government Help
Pubs, cafes and restaurants to re-open outdoors in Wales
ICO guidance to businesses collecting personal data for contact tracing
Safer taxi journeys set to be approved in Cheltenham
Relaxed social distancing in Scottish pubs
Hospitality and Leisure guidance on test and trace records published
More funding for councils announced
NEXTSTART Advice note on Gambling
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2020
An open letter to the pub sector to support safe trading practices
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Scotland's route map for moving out of lockdown
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: ‘Al fresco’ pubs and dining to help with recovery
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Interest in online casinos at an all-time high
COVID-19 Licensing issues: Prime Minister sets out timeline for retail to reopen in June
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Government announces £50 million boost to support high street recovery
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: 30,000 pubs and restaurants 'may not reopen after lockdown'
£10m national gambling education and support programme launched in the UK
Pub licence revoked for breach of lockdown rules
‘Sobriety tags’ come into force
Gambling Commission instructs tighter measures to protect consumers during lockdown
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: UKH calls on Government to be #FAIR4Hospitality and support the sector’s roadmap to restart
MHCLG letter to councils on street trading relaxation
Gambling Commission opens consultation on high value 'VIP' customers
Preston Private Hire Operator fined for refusing to take passenger with guide dog
Taxi enforcement action in Milton Keynes
Doctors on Wheels Ltd and taxi medicals
No primary legislation to reform taxi and PH licensing
“Hundreds” of London minicabs could be working illegally
Taxi driver appeal dismissed
Wakefield taxi fee case back in court
Licensing appeal fee reduced
Drivers prosecuted for illegally plying for hire
New company aims to save UK high streets
Compliance with licence conditions – Advice Note
More licensed premises can re-open from July
COVID-19 - New business guidance to support latest lockdown relaxations in England
New Guidance– ‘Staying alert and safe (social distancing).
COVID- 19 - Re-opening of businesses and venues from 4 July
Al Fresco eating and drinking under the Business and Planning Bill 2020: the licensing aspects
New government guidance to support  reopening of tourism and visitor attractions on July 4
Draft guidance to support Business and Planning Bill
COVID- 19 - Business and Planning Bill
COVID-19: Northern Ireland Executive brings forward timetable of indicative recovery dates
COVID- 19 - Scotland publish next phase of relaxation
Met sets out policing approach ahead of new Covid-19 restrictions (1)
Coronavirus ‘firebreak’ to be introduced in Wales
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 3) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Glasgow restaurant wins court fight to stay open
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Additional Temporary Measures) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 2020
Greater Manchester consult on proposed Greater Manchester Minimum Licensing Standards (MLS) for taxis and private hire vehicles
COVID-19 - IoL Announcment
Lancashire move to very high alert level
Local COVID alert level update for South Yorkshire
The 3-Tier Covid Regulations: Impact on Licensed Premises
Greater Manchester move to very high alert level
Coventry, Slough and Stoke-on-Trent to move to local COVID alert level - high
Local COVID alert level update for Greater Manchester
Industry action against hospitality restrictions in Scotland
A 5-tier lockdown system for Scotland
Warrington moves to ‘very high’ COVID alert level
Non conviction refusal – driver’s appeal dismissed
Third Party Sales of Puppies and Kittens in Wales
NEXSTART commentary: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2020
Hockley venue’s licence suspended for breaching Covid rules
Scottish Government support for nightclubs and soft play
Greater Manchester threaten legal action over restrictions
Working safely during coronavirus – Updated guidance
“Gambling addict” children treated at first NHS clinic for children
City nightclub licence suspended for breaching Covid rules
Nottinghamshire to move to ‘very high’ local COVID alert level
Areas to move Local COVID alert level 'high'
G-A-Y curfew legal challenge refused
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19Alert Level) (Medium, High and Very High)(England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020
West Yorkshire moves to ‘very high’ alert level
Carlisle to move to local COVID alert level ‘high’
Industry reactions to Lockdown 2.0 'nightmare before Christmas'
Taxi driver fined for driving illegally in North West Leicestershire
DfT urge licensing authorities to adopt NR3
Further DfT guidance and advice on taxi & PHV face covering requirements
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020
New national Covid measures for Wales: post-firebreak measures have been published
LGA calls for a clear lockdown exit strategy
Support for Scotland’s taxi and private hire drivers
Northern Ireland Executive support further financial assistance scheme for taxi drivers
COVID-19 Licensing issues: MOTs for cars, vans and motorcycles due from 30 March 2020 to be extended
Remote licensing hearings are lawful
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Scottish Government issues guidance for business on COVID-19 social distancing and closures
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - Guidance and advice for those providing hotel and other accommodation in the UK
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee live music report
Wakefield taxi fees case published
DEFRA issue animal licensing advice note
IoL President comment on taxi sexual attacks news
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Home Office letter urges collaboration, communication and pragmatism from local authorities
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: IoL Protocol updated to incorporate Minister's letter to Licensing Committee Chairs
Covid-19 Licensing Issues: Home Office cancel alcohol statistics collection
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: DfT say Taxi / PH driver licensing remains a matter for licensing authorities
COVID-19 Licensing Issues. Coronavirus Restrictions: local authority enforcement powers - narrower than you might think
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020: What does this mean for licensees?
Covid19 Licensing Issues: LGA note on approaches to managing licensing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Covid-19 Licensing Issues: How to join telephone and video hearings during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Covid-19 Licensing Issues: Defra amendments to mandatory reporting
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - Taxi and Private Hire Licensing
COVID-19 Licensing issues - Can Hackney carriage and private hire drivers refuse to carry certain passengers through fear of infection?
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - Lockdown Regulations published
Banned from selling animals after being caught without a licence
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Priority courts to make sure justice is served
COVID 19 Licensing Issues - College of Policing guide to The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - Closure of Businesses and Venues - Guidance updated to reflect Regulations
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - Gambling Commission Postpones Local Authority Returns
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - OPSS Update to Local Authorities in England on business closure enforcement
Further DEFRA guidance published
COVID-19 Licensing Issues – changes to right to work checks
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Restrictions on Movement and Business Closures
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Insurance matters
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: IoL Protocol Updated (28 April 2020)
Nail bars, salons and some outdoor venues to reopen in Leicester
More targeted action in local areas to curb the spread of coronavirus
Timeline set out for lifting temporary restrictions in Aberdeen
Guildford taxi driver has licence revoked - Crown Court dismisses appeal
NEXSTART Gaming machines in licensed bingo premises and AGCs
NEXSTART Group J Gaming Machines and Pool Tables
Tougher fines ahead of Bank Holiday to crack down on illegal gatherings
Nightclub & Venue Reopening Strategy published
Licensing – a statutory function which cannot be ignored
New powers to protect from community transmission in Scotland
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions on Holding of Gatherings and Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020
Restrictions lifted in parts of Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire
Emergency funding to support Scottish culture and heritage
Tougher fines introduced to prevent unlicensed music events in Wales
Urgent action needed to improve safety of cosmetic treatments, say CIEH and IoL
NEXSTART gambling notes issued (1)
Online safeguarding sessions prove popular with Mendip’s taxi drivers
Expired driving licences automatically extended by 11 months
SIA consultation on top-up training for door supervisors
PH licence for police officer who abducted a schoolgirl
Stronger measures brought in to tackle virus in Bolton
Local lockdown restrictions imposed to control Caerphilly outbreak
England’s lockdown rules to tighten from 14 September 2020
Venues required by law to record contact details
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phase 3: Scotland's route map update
‘Confusion’ over COVID-19 marshal plan
Closing certain businesses and venues in Leicester
Local restrictions in Bolton
COVID-19 Licensing issues - DfT letter to licensing authorities
Wales introduce further constraints on meeting socially and compulsory face coverings to help prevent new coronavirus crisis
Business and Planning Bill: Update (30 June)
Covid19 - Selected sporting events, TV and film exempt from quarantine
Covid19 – Pubs reopening guidance
The re-opening of pubs, bars and restaurants (etc) on 4 July 2020 by Gary Grant and Charles Holland, Barristers of Francis Taylor Building
Government advice on track and trace data collection
£1.57 billion rescue package for arts, culture and heritage industries announced
Gambling APPG’s publish gambling harm report
COVID-19: NEXSTART Business and Planning Bill
COVID-19: NEXSTART advice note on Group Size, Gatherings and Covid-19 Safe Capacity
Lucy’s Law: Vets reveal the true cost of puppy and kitten farms (Petfished Campaign)
Council successfully prosecutes kennel owners
East Devon working closely with Taxi & PH trade to promote the benefits of a healthier lifestyle
Institute of Licensing announcement re COVID-19
Hull bar prosecuted for no licence and forgery
Do not visit your pub – Government
Hospitality and events industries may lose up to 3.2 million jobs without Government action
Licensing hearings during the coronavirus crisis
Lucy's Law - A briefing note
Pubs ‘vow’ to adhere to social distancing rules
FSA campaign to help food sector adapt to the new normal
London taxi initiate legal action challenging London’s “streetspace” road restrictions
COVID-19: outdoor events guidance by the LGA
Casinos can reopen from 15 August alongside other easements, while stronger enforcement measures announced
Guidance updates to accompany relaxations
Hospitality sector must commit to customer tracing schemes
Mayor calls for ‘urgent’ support to protect businesses through COVID19
Tax conditionality – draft primary legislation
Welsh Government consults on proposals for a ban on third party sales of puppies and kittens in Wales
PASS Card consulting on Digital Proof of Age
“Historic” Birmingham music venue granted premises licence
Pub hours extended to mark 75th anniversary of VE Day
Driver prosecuted for illegally plying for hire Cheltenham races
Calls for licensed hand car washes
MPs call for tax cuts to save their local pubs
DfT questioned on statutory guidance
Gambling firms questioned on safer gambling commitments
New National Pubwatch film: Door Security and Search Procedures
£600,000 fine for illegal dog breeders
New local public health approach to reduce gambling harm in North West
Restaurant licences suspended due to illegal working on premises
Gambling Commission setup gambling harm working groups
Drinkaware launches refreshed workplace training
Joint Statement regarding Scrap Metal Dealers Association and the National Metal Agency
Licensee ordered to pay over £18,000 for illegally screening Sky Sports (1)
Stormont urged to ban breeders
Essex becomes latest to adopt night-time safety scheme
Taxi driver fined and banned for flouting licensing laws
‘Martyn’s law’ wins government backing
Update on Gambling Commission research actions to support the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms (1)
Drop in licensing FPNs
New commission on Alcohol Harm
'White Collar Boxing' - Survey and media enquiry
LGA warning over fake alcohol
Taxi enforcement in Milton Keynes
Institute recognised in Minister’s letter to licensing authorities
A private hire vehicle proprietor convicted of fraud
Gambling Commission consults on society lottery reform
LGA warns lives at risk from unlicensed festive lifts
Council first in the UK to strip pub of gaming machines
Taxi driver prosecuted after Trafford Council enforcement operation
DEFRA Taxi and PHV Database - New Burdens Payment Clarification
UK pub sector grows for first time in a decade
IoL Chair wins national award
Wakefield Taxi Fees Case update
Businesses 'raise the bar' at awards ceremony
Taxi driver has licence revoked - decision confirmed by Magistrates' Court
Five drivers prosecuted for illegally plying for hire during races
Is your licensing authority using the NR3 database for taxi and private hire licensing?
Drinkaware relaunches night-time economy safety scheme
Uber's private hire licence will not be renewed by TfL.
Fines for unlicensed cabbie prosecuted by Folkestone and Hythe District Council
MUP in Wales confirmed
Betting companies “merely paying lip service to safer gambling”
Spent convictions and 'fit and proper’ test
Edinburgh first to license SEVs
LGA: Taxi reforms urgently needed
Gambling Commission update gaming machine ‘available for use’ guidance
Councils transforming people affected by alcohol
NatWest to offer help to gambling addicts
2019 Young People and Gambling report
First fully electric London taxis since 1899
VE Day Anniversay - hours extension planned for pubs
Taxi Driver Guilty of Driving without Private Hire Driver Licence
Petfre to pay £322,000 for money laundering failures
Institute responds to Home Office 'Rebalancing the Licensing Regime' consultation
Private hire driver loses licence on hearsay evidence
Significant underage gambling failure rate in pubs
“Guilty” Plea for Illegal Dog Sales
Court rules Council was right to refuse licence for convicted driver
Non-party licensing costs but requires fairness – High Court
Oldham club stays shut after licence revocation upheld
Taxi enforcement action in MK
Wales MUP regulations laid
Consultation on liquor licensing laws in Northern Ireland
Research on the impact of Scottish minimum unit pricing released
Taxi law reform and the Queen’s speech
Rossendale man found guilty of driving a taxi without a licence
Licensing: third party costs orders
New technology to detect knives in public places
Driver with "clear pattern of inappropriate behaviour" towards children refused licence
First electric taxi licensed in North West Leicestershire
Autonomous taxis “on streets of London for the first time”
Ten 'Cumulative Impact Zones' and MUP – Brent Council consultation
“Cut alcohol to stave off dementia” – Oxford University
Whitehaven pubs sign up to be Best Bar None
London Nightclub Loses Licence
DfT publish statistical report 'Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, England: 2019'
Uber London Limited licensing decision
Tackling modern slavery – LGA publication
Lucy's Law confirmed for Scotland
Gambling Commission set to approves self-exclusion system for problem gamblers
Special Treatments: IoL and CIEH joint survey of professionals
Proposed changes to Entertainment Licensing Statistics
Private hire drivers pay the price after being caught in Council sting
North Somerset Council succeed in Crown Court taxi appeal
Private Hire driver caught plying for hire in Milton Keynes
DCMS Committee call for regulation of betting in video games
Ban on new pubs ‘does not help’ tackle alcohol harm
Tattooist licensing – Call for more powers
“Tax alcohol at a higher rate than drink sold in pubs” – SMF
Greater Manchester Common Standards for taxis delayed
Pubs and grassroots sport: the perfect match
No national order for rugby world cup
Government consults on Offensive Weapons Act guidance
Cab drivers count cost of picking up illegal fares in Milton Keynes
Carlsberg UK and Guild of Beer Writers launch sustainability award
Council defeats revocation appeal
EPC publish revised SAG Good Practice Guide
Pubs across the country enter Charity Pub of the Year competition
LGA publish guidance on managing night-time economies
New LGA Councillor Guidance for the Licensing Act 2003
Gambling Commission releases National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms action map
Private Hire driver convicted for failing to take an Assistance Dog in Milton Keynes
Private hire drivers successfully prosecuted for illegally plying for hire in Milton Keynes
CK Cabs driver who lost his taxi licence for 'violent behaviour' fails in bid to get it back
Unlicensed taxi driver fined in Rossendale
Southwark grants 3am premises licence in stress area
Third party sale of puppies and kittens to be banned in Wales
National Lottery games under review
DEFRA issue taxi air quality reporting guidance
Welsh Government publish public transport White Paper report
Court demands unmet demand survey in Halton council taxi appeal case
Updated: Refunds of gambling premises annual fees
Welsh taxi reform delayed
Portugal oppose Welsh MUP plans
Animal Licensing Amendment Regulations
Star directors back new Premises Licence for independent cinema in Camden’s Cumulative Impact Policy area
AVDC successfully prosecutes three drivers for ‘blagging’
Taxi driver appeal dismissed.
Cheltenham’s night-time economy wins national award
Appeal against revocation and transfer of premises licence dismissed
Gambling firms pledge £60m to help problem gamblers
Gambling HoL Select Committee publishes a call for evidence
Private Hire Driver convicted of driving without a Licence
Alcohol licensing rules ‘redrawn for Center Parcs
Gambling addiction clinic to open
New Gambling House of Lords Select Committee set up
National Pubwatch produce two new films
Scottish alcohol sales drop as minimum price kicks in
‘Blagging’ private hire driver stripped of licence
Government response to Lords seaside towns report
Twelve north east councils to combine taxi licensing
Bogus charity collector jailed
Praise for taxi driver who reported CSE concerns
North West Leicestershire District Council signs up to NR3
Below cost sales guidance updated
NI taxis lowest level in 10 years
NITA report on benefits of events
Stone Valley Festival given go ahead
Labour “demands” review of online casino licences
'Night mayor' to be appointed by Glasgow City Council
UK drinkers “get drunk more often than anyone else” according to study
Three Private Hire drivers caught illegally ‘blagging’ in Milton Keynes
Lucy’s Law laid before Parliament
Glasgow City Council reject women only taxi service
“Grey gamblers” fastest growing group of online gamblers
Ice-cream vans banned from some areas of London
DEFRA reminder to submit data
MUP in Wales set to come into force
Government to consult on further licensing relaxation
Daniel Davies' term as IoL Chairman extended for a further 3 years
Ashford taxi prosecutions
Call for new measures to help improve taxi safety
Institute response to consultation on the regulation of gambling in Northern Ireland
Institute response to Commission on Alcohol Harms call for evidence
DEFRA issue 3rd party sales guidance
Dog breeders urged to check licence requirements
“Historic” Birmingham music venue granted premises licence (1)
High Court Rejects We Love Hackney CCO Application in licensing JR
LCCP changes on age and identity verification come into effect in May
Surveillance Commissioner responds to DfT consultation
Reading premises licence revocation decision upheld
New NAFN National Register of Taxi and Private Hire Licence Revocations and Refusals (NR3)
Fake taxi driver prosecuted
FOBT stake cut comes into force but bookmakers are accused of bypassing rules
House of Lords Select Committee report published – Regeneration of Seaside Towns and Communities
MPs debate gambling-related harm
Transport Committee takes evidence on taxi law reform
Taxi enforcement action in Milton Keynes (1)
Pub closures showing signs of slowing
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles Database – Update
Glasgow first council to introduce cap on private hire car licences
Home Office publication: Child exploitation disruption toolkit
Home Office publication: Child exploitation disruption toolkit (1)
IoL responds to DfT consultation on S177 Draft Statutory Guidance
Southway Chicken House fined for breaching licensing rules
Court dismisses Bermondsey Beer Mile Appeal
Home Office confirm no 2019 statistical return
Crown Court confirms council decision to revoke private hire driver's licence
Permission for the Judicial Review of Hackney council’s licensing policy granted
London Assembly call for higher licensing standards in London
Taxi driver prosecuted for refusing to take a passenger’s guide dog
IoL requests views on DfT draft Statutory Guidance for Licensing Authorities - Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing: Protecting Users
Charity set up by industry entrepreneur launches “Pinkspiration” initiative
Group of MPs urge urgent action on taxi and private hire licensing
New gambling ID and age verification rules
COVID-19 - Licensing Issues: NPCC and College of Policing: latest frontline policing updates
All UK bars and pubs to shut
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - Regulations to enforce closure of premises
What licence do you need to deliver alcohol?
COVID-19 Licensing issues: Coronavirus Act 2020 now in force and further updates to the Businesses and premises closures guidance updated (26 March)
The Journal of Licensing - available online
New regulations created by Secretary of State for business closure (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Premises Closures
Lottery proceeds to go up in April
COVID-19 Licensing Issues. Virtual local authority meetings: Coronavirus Bill amended, ruling out uncertainty
COVID-19 - Further businesses and premises to close as PM instructs Britain: 'you must stay at home'
COVID-19 Licensing issues: Businesses and premises closures: guidance updated (25 March)
VE and VJ Day extensions shelved in light of COVID-19 restrictions (1)
Future of transport regulatory review: DfT call for evidence
COVID-19 Licensing issues: Taxis and PHVs – DfT advice
IoL Protocol for licence applications & hearings under the Licensing Act 2003 during the COVID-19 pandemic
Covid19 Licensing Issues – Remote hearing Regulations published
COVID-19 Licensing issues: MHCLG letter to local authorities: Regulations aim to give local authorities flexibility to meet challenges while maintiaining front line services
COVID-19 Licensing Issues - NPCC / College of Policing Brief on The Coronavirus Act and Regulations
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: CFSG advice for animal related businesses and local authorities
Bill to introduce licensing of pedicabs
COVID-10 Licensing Issues - IoL Protocol updated (20 April 2020)
COVID-19: Letter from the Local Government Minister to councils setting out further details of additional funding
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Dft advise licensing authorities to consider ways to support the taxi and private hire trade
Government urges gambling industry to tackle risks of problem gambling during coronavirus outbreak
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Amendments to the Coronavirus, Restrictions Regulations published
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: NTIA to challenge Insurers for failure to honour business interruption policies
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Lifting the lock-down and why we must get this right
The Parliamentary All Party Betting & Gaming Group launches its Review of the Gambling Act 2005
Committee launches inquiry on problem gambling
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: UK Hospitality say 1m hospitality jobs at risk without reopening plan
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: New measures to protect companies from aggressive rent collection and closure
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020 published
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Revised coronavirus rules for Wales unveiled
Black Cab group fail in JR over Uber decision
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Taxi drivers face 'financial ruin' without government help – MP
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Pubs ‘to open last’ in UK lockdown
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: The Department of Health letter to employers re coronavirus testing for essential workers
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Looking beyond lockdown in Scotland and Wales
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Call for evidence - Impact of Covid-19 on cultural sector
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Gambling Commission boosts gambling harm treatment services during Covid-19
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Mayor launches new fund to support London’s at risk culture
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Restrictions on Movement and Business Closures (Updated)
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Late night levy in lockdown
The Secretary of State has appointed four new Commissioners to the Gambling Commission.
Pubs Code Adjudicator has reported on its support for Tied Pub Tenants in relation to COVID-19
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: 'Closing certain businesses and venues in England' guidelines updated
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: DfT Taxi and PHV data collection survey postponed
Pub served prohibition notice for "hiding customers in cupboards"
Travelling Funfairs (Licensing) (Scotland) Bill
Uber launches Real Time ID Check for drivers in the UK
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: NPHTA and PHTM campaign in favour of protective screens in licensed PHVs and taxis
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: £14 million financial support for England’s zoos and aquariums
IoL member survey to gather views on the APBGG Reivew of the Gambling Act
Prohibition order for Ibstock pub after drinkers found in cellar
COVID-19 Licensing issues: PM announces first stage of lockdown relaxation in COVID-19 'conditional plan'
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Industry bodies respond to PM announcments on lockdown modifications and relaxation plan
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Government publishes Recovery Strategy
COVID-19 Licensing Issues:- Covid’s Metamorphoses: The Future of the Social Economy
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Further amendment to lockdown regulations
Government remains committed to taxi guidance
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Thousands of pubs could permanently close
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Government funds study into how pubs could open
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Covid 19 and its impact on gambling
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Updated DfT Taxis and PHV guidance
COVID-19 Licensing Issues: Government Taskforces to look at re-opening guidelines for closed businesses
Re-opening: Shops re-open on Monday, while pubs seek clarity and zoo announcements expected
COVID19 Licensing Issues: Opening up outside spaces for licensed premises
Guide Dogs Coronavirus Guidance for Taxi and Minicab Drivers
Business Secretary: 4th July earliest date for re-opening of pubs and bars
Boris Johnson: outdoor attractions and zoos can re-open from Monday 15 June alongside shops
Appeals – Concerns registered over long delays on licensing hearings
Scotland’s tourism industry may re-open from 15 July
Scottish Tourism Alliance responds to announcement that sector can reopen on 15th July
Government launches review into 2m social distancing rule
Further easing of lockdown restrictions
New rules on face coverings come into force today
Partnership working has never been more important by Dan Davies
Hospitality & Tourism APPG publishes report into effects of COVID-19 on sectors
UKH calls on Government to confirm hospitality reopening date
Closing certain businesses and venues in England – Guidance updated
Increased Covid19 testing of taxi drivers
DfT statement on face coverings in taxis
Gambling Commission Covid19 guidance for operators
Toilets and compliance with the Health Protection Regulations – NEXSTART Advice Note
Scotland moves to Phase 2 in COVID-19 recovery route map
Scotland - tourism and hospitality sector guidance published
CPNI publishes Physical Distancing Guidance
Code of practice for the commercial property sector
Update on Business and Planning Bill
Outdoor theatres, gyms and pools to re-open
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) England Regulations 2020 (S.I. 2020 No. 684) and associated guidance
NEXSTART advice note on Business & Planning Bill
Beauty salons set to reopen for some services next week under new government guidelines updates: Outdoor theatres, gyms and pools to re-open
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
Further easing of lockdown in Wales
Pub has licence revoked for noise and COVID-19 lockdown breach
Scotland’s hairdressers and barbers to re-open
New planning rules to protect cultural heritage
Select Committee publish report on Gambling Harm
NEXSTART FAQs published
Review of restaurant licence for flouting lockdown rules
Business and Planning Bill: Update (1)
Bristol set to remove all Cumulative Impact Policies
Business & Planning Bill: 11pm deadline on off-sales
Planning update on cultural venues and holiday parks - Written Ministerial Statement
Public Accounts Committee report on gambling
Scotland: Planning for re-opening schools safely
Northern Ireland: proposals to reform liquor licensing laws
COVID-19 Latest relaxations: Theatres and indoor performances to resume in England from 1 August
PM on latest relaxations as Government ‘hopes for the best but plans for the worst'
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 3) Regulations 2020
Licensing of outdoor drinking and dining – LGA Guidance
Government issue guidance on local authority powers to impose restrictions
NEXSTART on Coronavirus Regulations No3 on Local Restriction Directions
‘Nightingale Courts’ established to help tackle the impact of Covid-19 on the justice system
Business events and conferences given go ahead to resume from 1 October
Government plans to ensure pubs, restaurants and cafes offer both smoking and non-smoking outdoor options
CGA and UKHospitality set out the industry’s road to recovery
Government announces national standards for taxi and private hire vehicle passengers in England and Wales
NEXSTART guidance on pavement licence conditions
Business and Planning Bill Update
Business & Planning Act 2020
Pavement licences guidance
Guidance for temporary alcohol licensing provisions
Petition to ban puppy import and strengthen Lucy’s Law
Vets and celebrities lead public warnings against ‘cruel and opportunist’ lockdown pet sellers
Dance Music Artists and Industry Make Urgent Plea to Government to Support UK’s World Leading Dance Music & Events Sector
Scottish Government criticised after re-imposing ban on gaming machines in betting shops
Face coverings Regulations published
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
Coronavirus restrictions relaxed further in Wales
Small music venues in England get £2.2m emergency government funding
“Close the criminal cabbies loophole” – IoL referenced
£10 million funding package for Scotland’s events sector
Scotland – Re-opening Phase 3 continues with further indicative dates
Scotland: events sector guidance published
Local lockdown restrictions for North West England, while Luton will be relaxed
Government reverse re-opening plans for certain premises
Pubs and restaurants in Wales reopen indoors
Lockdown 'reverse gear' warning for Scottish pubs
Guide Dogs and RNIB - Letter to Local Authority Licensing
Pubs ‘may need to shut’ to allow schools to reopen
The Rules for Independence Day and Beyond - Issue 3, 31 July 2020
Coronavirus: £100m Zoo Animals Fund opens for applications
Closing certain businesses and venues in England - Guidance updated 3 August 2020
Local lockdowns reach Scotland as Aberdeen restrictions are imposed
Launch of Planning for the future consultation to reform the planning system
Entertainment industry calls for more support
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
LGA calls for tougher licensing powers “to crack down” on COVID-19 safety breaches
Football alcohol might be lifted
DPTAC position on taxis and private hire vehicles
IoL response to Wales' proposed ban on third party sales of puppies and kittens
Restrictions on household gatherings to continue in parts of North West, West Yorkshire, East Lancashire and Leicester
Updated: Closing certain businesses and venues in England
Updates to Guidance ‘Closing certain businesses and venues in England’
COVID-19 - Changes agreed to local restrictions across England
Northern Ireland announces Localised restrictions in response to Covid-19 increases
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No.2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2020
NexStart Rule of 6 Explanatory Note: Updated
Rule of six comes into effect to tackle coronavirus
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Collection of Contact Details etc and Related Requirements) Regulations 2020
Rhondda Cynon Taf to go into lockdown
COVID Marshals 'unlikely' in England, councils say
Peers call on Jenrick to explain opposition to smoke-free zones
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Obligations of Hospitality Undertakings) (England) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (North East of England) Regulations 2020
Restrictions for more areas in north west, West Yorkshire and midlands to tackle rising infection rates
Updated COVID Working Safely Guidance (restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services)
IoL Patron Philip Kolvin QC joins 11KBW
PM announce new curbs on pubs, bars, restaurants and other hospitality venues
“Downing Street to spearhead gambling reforms”
Sefton MBC appeal to the Crown Court over Magistrates' decision to grant convicted abductor's taxi driver licence
Coronavirus (COVID-19): What has changed (UK Wide) – 22 September
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place and on Public Transport) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place and on Public Transport) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
Latest Lockdown Regulations: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations 2020 have been published
The 24 September Coronavirus Restrictions
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 12) Regulations 2020
Consolidated version of The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2020
NHS COVID-19 app launches across England and Wales
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) Regulations 2020
Uber successful in London Operating Appeal
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Obligations of Undertakings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
New legal duty to self-isolate comes into force today
Restrictions for Wigan, Stockport, Blackpool and Leeds as coronavirus cases increase
COVID-19 Further restrictions for parts of the North East
Consolidated version of The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Obligations of...Undertakings) (England) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Obligations of Undertakings) (England) Regulations 2020
Mandatory decibel limits in hospitality venues
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (North of England, North East and North West of England and Obligations of Undertakings (England) etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
Festival and outdoor events – LGA advice note
Local lockdown measures for Derry City and Strabane District as infection rates continue to rise
Further restrictions confirmed in parts of the North East and North West in response to rising infection rates
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (North of England and North East and North West of England etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
IoL Chairman on the impact of coronavirus
TfL refuse Ola’s London operating licence
Legal challenge to Government’s 10pm hospitality curfew
Prime Minister announces new local COVID Alert Levels
Discount awarded to licensed premises
Gambling Commission new rules to stamp out irresponsible ‘VIP customer’ practices
Police and councils to get £30m to help enforce new coronavirus regulations
Pubs and restaurants in central Scotland to close
Private Hire driver convicted for failing to take a guide dog in Milton Keynes
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Very High) (England) Regulations 2020 & Accompanying Guidance
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (High) (England) Regulations 2020 & Accompanying Guidance
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Medium) (England) Regulations 2020 & Accompanying Guidance
Local Restrictions Guidance
Review of the Gambling Act 2005
NEXSTART Q&As on Coronavirus Tiers Regulations and Compliance
Hospitality’s confidence shattered after year of COVID-19
Summary reviews following COVID breaches - interim steps appeals dismissed
Monkeys could be banned as pets – Government
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
Coronavirus Control Plan - Alert Levels in Wales
Changes to Coronavirus levels in Scotland
Cabinet Office on forms
Conditionality & tax registration checks – update
England - COVID-19 Tier changes from 19 December announced
COVID-19 Christmas Guidance updated
Chancellor extends furlough and loan schemes
Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, England: 2020
Higher-level restrictions to come into force in Wales  to control coronavirus
Prime Minister announces Tier 4: 'Stay At Home' Alert Level in response to new COVID variant
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (All Tiers and Obligations of Undertakings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Scotland: New guidance issued for the festive period
UPDATE: Cabinet Office on forms
£800 house party fines to be introduced in England
‘Councillors could be disenfranchised without remote meetings’ – LGC
Nearly 6,000 licensed premises lost in Britain’s year of lockdowns
Prime Minister urged to engage with the hospitality sector following petition seeking Minister for Hospitality
Premises Licence revoked following COVID breach
Covid-19: Fines increase during third national lockdown
Guide to the availability of live links in magistrates’
London venue paid to break lockdown rules for celebrity birthday party
Peabody Trust -v- Offomah
Proposals for changes to Gambling Commission fees
Popular TOWIE hangout in east London stripped of its licence for flouting licensing conditions
England might not return to regional restrictions
Alcohol deaths hit record high during Covid
Uber BV and others (Appellants) v Aslam and others
Government's roadmap out of lockdown in England
High Court grants permission to challenge Birmingham street trading policy
Scotland unveils 'cautious' route out of lockdown
Administrative Court overturn conviction for refusing to provide name and address in relation to suspected breach of Coronavirus Regulations
Al fresco dining set to return across Westminster to help struggling businesses
Local taxi driver loses licence after inappropriate contact with woman
Government sets out plans to protect public places from terrorist attacks
Guidance: Reopening businesses and venues in England
Institute appoints John Garforth as Vice Chair
NI lockdown exit plan
Cancellation of 20/21 alcohol and late night refreshment licensing collection
Additional funding for hospitality, leisure and tourism businesses in Wales
Chancellor Budget 2021: Overview of Licensing and Hospitality Sector Announcements
Guidance: Coronavirus (COVID-19): safety screens for taxis and PHVs
Smoke-free laws in Wales - Changes from 1 March 2021
National security legislation becomes law
Illegal breeders banned from keeping dogs following successful Council prosecution
Wales: lockdown to continue for further three weeks as pupils return to school
Free rapid tests for all businesses for regular workplace testing
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Wearing of Face Coverings in a Relevant Place and Restrictions: All Tiers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
Supporting the reopening of outdoor hospitality - The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP
BACTA Starts Legal Challenge of Government Regarding AGC Reopening
Wisbech police lay out claims against mayor
Three unlicensed traders prosecuted in Milton Keynes under the Licensing Act 2003
Updated Covid guidance
Covid: Police issue 26 fines at illegal poker tournament
Taxi, PHV and scrap metal tax checks from 2022
Scotland: changes to Level 4 restrictions
Wales takes first steps out of lockdown
Hospitality bosses threaten government with court
Reclaim These Streets - implications of the judgement handed down yesterday by Mr Justice Holgate
Bristol’s Names Night-Time Economy Advisor
Update on Cumulative Impact Policies
New safety measures after Sarah Everard death
Updated Covid secure guidance for visitor economy
Scotland: Timetable for further lockdown easing
Northern Ireland Executive agrees early relaxations to Covid-19 regulations
Government sets out new plans to help build trust in use of digital identities
Home Office Regulatory Sandbox
Restart Grants: Guidance to local authorities published
Shortage of bouncers could stop clubs reopening
Magistrate throws out teenager's £10,000 Covid fine for holding a rule-breaking party
Exploitation and Abuse linked to Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
Wisbech mayor removed as DPS from licence
Ministry of Justice to consult on judicial review reforms
ADSO and LLG issue claim in High Court in bid to extend local authority remote meetings
Roadmap legal action over different reopening times
Call for trials of age-verification technology in alcohol sales
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps) (England) Regulations 2021
COVID Guidance updates
New raft of measures to prepare high streets and seaside resorts for summer
Hidden economy conditionality - Northern Ireland and Scotland
Pubs could require vaccine passports
Inevitable’ third COVID-19 wave will not change plan
Closing certain businesses and venues in England – guidance updated (1)
The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021
Welsh Government: Taxi and private hire vehicles: licensing guidance
New guidance on safe use of council offices
Wales starts relaxations for tourism sector
Kit Malthouse MP response to National Licensing Forum Members
Updates to Government Guidance
'Sobriety ankle tags' rolled out across England
Moving Wales into Alert Level 3: First Minister sets out plans to further relax COVID restrictions
Pubs and restaurants in Wales reopen outdoors from 26 April
Institute of Licensing response to Gambling the call for evidence
Fresh wave of grant funding launched
PM confirm further easing of Covid restrictions confirmed for 12 April
Covid passport trials to begin this month
Age verification technology to be trialled in shops, bars and restaurants
Organised events guidance for local authorities guidance
Welsh Government issues taxi and private hire vehicle guidance ahead of development of new legislation
Status certification "likely to bring significant implications" for licensing - LGA
Gambling Operating Licences Appeal dismissed
New National Pubwatch Film – Supporting Vulnerable People
The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
The Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
Nearly one in five pubs fear they will fold before early August
Updated Government Guidance
Northern Ireland taxi firms unable to meet demand
Wales: First Minister confirms phased move to alert level
UKHospitality reacts to confirmation of delay to England lockdown easing
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps and Other Provisions) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021
Updated "Coronavirus restrictions what you can and cannot do" guidance
Restaurants and pubs ‘face collapse’ during extended England lockdown
Marc Abraham awarded OBE in Queen's Birthday Honours
Jeremy Allen Award 2021 - Nominations now open
MPs vote for a four-week delay to England's lockdown easing
New Nexstart advice notes issued
Hospitality, Tourism, Wedding and Event Sectors Join Forces to Threaten Legal Action Over Roadmap Delays
Manchester Arena Enquiry Report - Volume 1: Security for the Arena
Northern Ireland delay relaxations until 5 July
Rule changes on hold in Wales for 4 weeks as delta spreads
Taxi Licensing Appeal: Cartledge v Gedling Borough Council
Outdoor civil wedding and partnership registrations to be legalised
LLG calls for ability of local authorities to hold virtual meetings to be made permanent
TfL win appeal over High Court ruling that quashed closure of A10 in Bishopsgate under ‘Streetspace’ scheme
Further delay to face to face right to work checks
Unlicensed and uninsured taxi driver fined and banned from driving, proprietor also fined
Welsh pub drinkers told to self-isolate
Welsh government urge people not to sing or shout in order to stop the virus spreading
Popular bowling alley handed improvement notice just weeks after reopening
Government announces more than 60,000 fans permitted to attend Euro 2020 semi-finals
Updated Covid guidance (1)
Scotland Coronavirus Bill passed
Scotland: "More normality if progress continues"
The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 29) Regulations 2021
The Immigration (Restrictions on Employment and Residential Accommodation) (Prescribed Requirements and Codes of Practice) and Licensing Act 2003 (Personal and Premises Licences) (Forms) Order 2021
DfT publish 2021 taxi and private hire licensing statistics
Council to hold virtual full meeting due to Covid rise
Prime Minister to set out plans ahead of step 4
Prime Minister sets out plan to ease restrictions at step 4
Institute of Licensing response to consultation: Hidden economy conditionality – Northern Ireland and Scotland
Extending the free contingency face covering distribution programme for passengers
The Licensing Act 2003 (2020 UEFA European Championship Licensing Hours) Order 2021
Wedding or civil partnership guidance update
Prime Minister confirms move to Step 4
Guidance updated - COVID-19 Response: Summer 2021
Face coverings to continue in Wales
Joint IoL and NTIA letter calls for pragmatism
Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread from 19 July
Update from GOV.UK for: Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for local government
Scotland confirms Level 0 from 19 July
“Next steps towards a future with fewer covid rules” – Welsh First Minister
Government strategy to regenerate high streets
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Steps etc.) (England) (Revocation and Amendment) Regulations 2021
Coronavirus (COVID-19): taxis and PHVs guidance updated
Updated LGA Councillor Handbook: Taxi and PHV Licensing
Extended pavement licensing Regulations comes into effect
Government commit in principle to making pavement licensing permanent
Two jabs needed to enter nightclubs from September
Updated guidance for pavement licences
IoL welcome parliamentary report recommending better regulation of cosmetic treatments
MHCLG letter to Chief Executives on Delivery and Recovery of Local Authority Regulatory Services
Plans for new unitary councils in Cumbria, North Yorkshire and Somerset
Government publishes new Hospitality Strategy for reopening, recovery and resilience
SIA publishes sector profile on recruitment and retention in the door supervision sector
Prime Minister urges caution as England moves to Step 4
Taxi driver fined for driving with an expired taxi licence
Tackling obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives
Data shows the impact of Covid-19 on gambling behaviour
MHCLG letter to Council Chief Executives on supporting temporary campsites in England this summer
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for local government updated
Scotland to move beyond level 0
Most of Wales' coronavirus rules to end
Government's National Disability Strategy Published
Journal of Licensing and LINK Magazines now online
CMA calls for stronger laws to tackle illegal ticket resale
Pubs and clubs which enforce vaccine passports could open fully during Covid surges
Councils call to add public health to licensing remit for pubs and bars
Appeal Court considers taxi driver’s licence revocation after acquittal in criminal courts
Alcohol-related deaths reach 12-year high in Scotland
MPs call on Government to address complete absence of regulation over botox and fillers and say maintaining the status quo is not an option
National Pubwatch joins forces with Best Bar None to offer help to independent licensees and operators to make their venues safe
Councils received 1,000 complaints a day about noisy neighbours during lockdowns
Right to work checks end of temporary adjustments extended further
Criminal checks for home-to-school drivers will be independently verified in Birmingham
Covid passports to start in England this month
Government consultation on changes to planning law to make outdoor measures for high streets permanent
Further relaxations in Northern Ireland announced
The Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Bill listed for 2nd reading
District Judge dismisses driver’s appeal for asking passenger intrusive questions
Marcus Boyle appointed as new Chair of Gambling Commission
Marcus Boyle appointed as new Chair of Gambling Commission (1)
Scotland to launch vaccine passports on 1 October
No Vaccine Passports for England
Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2021
The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (1)
Taxi Safeguarding Bill Reaches Committee Stage
COVID Pass for events and nightclubs announced in Wales
Prime Minister sets out autumn and winter Covid plan
Sajid Javid won’t rule out vaccine passports for pubs
Regional COVID-19 restrictions could return as local health chiefs get new powers
Cheltenham pursues climate ambition and improved accessibility for taxis
Gambling APPG announce a review of the Gambling Commission
New report from Poppleston Allen and Francis Taylor Building defines legal timeline of the COVID-19 restrictions that impacted the hospitality sector.
Legal Challenge for vaccine passports in Scotland
Scotland's Vaccine Passport Scheme - further details confirmed
New controls on gambling in central London to protect the most vulnerable
Updated COVID-19 regulations guidance
Vaccine passports could be mandatory at indoor and outdoor venues
News Westminster approves amendment Licensing Policy to introduce alcohol delivery policy changes
Scotland issue vaccine certification scheme guidance
Landmark report reveals harms associated with gambling
Northern Ireland Betting in line for major gambling law changes as the Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill reaches 2nd stage
New Hospitality Council to guide the sector's recovery
Proposal for mandatory COVID certification in a Plan B scenario: call for evidence
Police & Local Authorities given extra £23.5m for safer streets
IoL member survey: Proposal for mandatory COVID certification in a Plan B scenario: call for evidence
Updated: Licensing authority guide to right to work checks
Scottish vaccine certification scheme - what do you need to know and do?
Review of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restriction) (No.5) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Walsall extend cumulative impact areas in updated licensing policy
Statement on Executive decisions – Covid relaxations in Northern Ireland, October 2021
90,000 jobs lost to Covid in Cultural Night Time Sector
Wales NHS Covid passes become compulsory
Licence application tax check: information and communications resources
Scottish Government publish further vaccine passport guidance
Union files claim against Uber over alleged racial bias in facial recognition software
Establishing a statutory registration or licensing scheme for holiday accommodation operators in Wales
SIA publishes interim update to the Manchester Arena Inquiry
Bouncer shortage a 'threat to public safety'
Scottish vaccine certification scheme - information for local authorities
Scotland vaccine passport scheme has become enforceable by law
Regulatory settlement for Leeds Casino
National Pubwatch Awards: IoL Chairman Daniel Davies received Award of Merit
Ask for Angela Campaign
Two men arrested in Nottingham spiking investigation
Wales NHS Covid pass fines
‘Ask for Angela’ launched in London
UK government paves way to bring in tough ‘plan B’ Covid rules
Consultation on draft regulations: tax conditionality for the hidden economy
Vaccine passports could push people to pubs
Man who ran dog breeding business illegally for 16 months granted dog breeding licence
Spending Review 2021
Betting And Gaming Council Pledge As New Report Suggests Problem and At-Risk Gambling Rates Are Falling
Strengthened measures to reduce high coronavirus cases in Wales
Taxi driver loses two appeals against licence revocation
Member survey re First Aid conditions on premises licences
The taxi shortage is making women feel unsafe
Ex-mayor's removal as DPS overturned on appeal
New safety standards for Greater Manchester’s taxis move a step closer
High Court Rule on Hackney Carriage proprietor licence dispute
Taxi driver shortages
Manchester Crown Court dismiss cases brought by Animal Protection Services
DVLA seeks views on widening pool of healthcare professionals completing medical questionnaires
Updated online immigration status
SEV licensing to be implemented in the Highlands
Andy Parsons wins 10th Jeremy Allen Award
Sarah Clover and Gary Grant awarded Fellowship
Gambling Commission Consultation on changes and updates to the Licensing, Compliance, and Enforcement Policy
Offenders to be banned from drinking to cut alcohol-fuelled crime
No extension to Scottish vaccine passport scheme
High Court refuse judicial review claim in premises licence transfer case
Permission to apply for judicial review granted in challenge to COVID Culture Recovery Fund
Chairman's Special Recognition 2021
England's Covid rules are being strengthened
Sefton Council overturns Magistrates Court’s decision to grant ex-policeman convicted of child abduction taxi licence.
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (England) Regulations 2021
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Self-Isolation) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2021
Hidden economy conditionality - Northern Ireland and Scotland (1)
The Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2021
Updated Coronavirus (COVID-19) taxis and PHV guidance
NTIA campaign: Night Time Advisors for every major city
SIA enforcement operations target Shropshire and Staffordshire venues, clubs and bars
Greentube Alderney Limited fined £685K for social responsibility and money laundering failures
Ireland closes nightclubs and tightens Covid rules
Updated Government guidance to reflect new rules in response to Omicron variant
Renewed call for remote meetings as omicron spreads
Wales Covid pass pub extension
United Trade Action Group Ltd, R (On the Application Of) v Transport for London [2021] EWHC 3290 (Admin)
Negative COVID-19 tests added to Scotland’s vaccine passport scheme
Prime Minister announce Plan B for England
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2021
Home Affairs Committee launch spiking inquiry
Concerns mount over COVID-19 measures impacting fragile recovery
Wales remain at Level 0 but face coverings regulations amended from 11 December
LGA calls for urgent legislation for remote council meetings in light of Omicron variant
Avoid illegal puppy sellers
UK coronavirus (COVID-19) UK alert level increased from Level 3 to Level 4
House of Lords Report: Towns and Cities: Local Power is the Path to Recovery
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Entry to Venues and Events) (England) Regulations 2021
NEXSTART Group A Spiking Note
Guidance: Carrying out mandatory COVID-19 status checks at your venue or event
Gambling Commission publishes Compliance and Enforcement Report
COVID Pass starts in England today
Scotland: New measures required to slow the spread of Coronavirus
Welsh Government Consultation: Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV) National Strategy
Government not extending provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 to airside premises
Welsh Government: Review of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No.5) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Joint statement from the Northern Ireland Executive – update on COVID-19 situation
Scotland: New Guidance for Businesses published
Outdoor weddings and civil partnerships consultation launched
Boost for high streets and businesses as markets and outdoor marquees allowed permanently
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) Amendment Order
Restrictions for sporting events in Wales from Boxing Day
Guidance updated: Coronavirus (COVID-19): taxis and PHVs
£1 billion in support for businesses most impacted by Omicron across the UK
Ola wins new London PHV operator’s licence as appeal allowed
Scotland introduce further measures to reduce spread of Omicron variant
Strengthened measures to keep Wales safe as omicron strikes
Scotland: £21 million to support culture and events
Self-isolation for COVID-19 cases reduced from 10 to 7 days following negative LFD tests
Consultation to extend licensing hours for Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Scotland: Nightclubs to close
Northern Ireland Executive announces £40 million support for hospitality sector
TEN forms updated
Updated: Licensing authority guide to right to work checks (221221)
Institute of Licensing responds to Select Committee recommendations on licensing and planning
Revised guidance issued 070417
DEFRA Q&As re reviewed guidance: The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018
UPDATED: Animal activities licensing: statutory guidance for local authorities 010222
Levelling Up White Paper published
Secretary of State indicates support for hybrid meetings
Goverment indicate support for mandatory disability awareness training
Pavement Licensing - Consultation open
Government review of gambling laws now not expected until May
Partnership work successfully shuts down illegal Facebook lotteries
Gambling Commission partnerships shut down illegal Facebook lotteries
Covid: Drinkers prefer wine and spirits over beer
Welsh councillor who started coffee shop and wine bar without planning permission found to be in “serious breach” of code of conduct
IoL concerns re Notifiable Occupations Scheme and Personal Licence regime
Greater Manchester Clean Air Zone Delayed
Best practice guide to the management of pub repairs and dilapidations
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Pubs Report Released
Northern Ireland to remove all remaining Covid restrictions
Welsh Written Statement: Review of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No.5) (Wales) Regulations 2020
Expiry date of Scottish Covid regulations extended
School transport guidance note
House of Lords approves new National Licensing System for non-surgical treatments
Next Steps for the Women’s Night Safety Charter in London
Gambling behaviour in 2021
Lords hold Licensing Act 2003 Committee inquiry follow up evidence sessions
CIEH Noise Survey report for 2020/21
Safer Streets Fund - Round 4 180322
Parliament was not given enough of a say on Coronavirus Act - House of Commons Committee report
Another Midlands Council removes its Cumulative Impact Policy
Most of Scotland's remaining Covid restrictions end
Update: Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Bill
Update: Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Bill
Explanatory video on amendment to the Health and Care Bill
HMRC - New Machines Games Duty Guidance for new tenants 220322
TfL renew Uber's operating licence in London
Stockton Council defend Covid licence revocation appeal
Reforms to pet microchipping regulations in England set out
Pavement licences guidance updated
Government confirm extension to licensing hours for Queen's Jubilee weekend
Consultation on best practice guidance for taxi and private hire vehicle licensing authorities in England
Agent of Change Working Group Report (June 2020)
Wheelchair accessible travel: taxi and private hire services
Written Statement: Review of the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No.5) (Wales) Regulations 2020
"Tenfold expansion" in chargepoints by 2030 as government drives EV revolution
IoL Member Survey - DfT Best Practice Guidance Consultation 300322 Online Forms Update
BEIS consultation on Provision of Services Directive
IoL Member Survey - DfT Best Practice Guidance Consultation
Edinburgh councillors vote to ban lap dancing clubs
National lottery operator launches legal challenge against Gambling Commission over decision to award next licence to rival bidder
Tax checks for licence holders come into effect
DEFRA Consultation: Standards of Modern Zoo Practice for Great Britain
DEFRA: Cat and dog microchipping consultation
Statutory guidance amended for Dog Day Care and Dog Breeding
Guidance for Immigration Enforcement Officers published
Offensive Weapons provisions coming into force on 6 April 2022.
Use of face coverings in Scotland
Uber seeks High Court Declaration on model lawfulness in the 'provinces'
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022
House of Commons Committee report on spiking
Home Office letter to licensing committees on drink spiking
APPG on Night-Time Economy publish report on Covid Impact
House of Lords to debate ‘Gambling Harm—Time for Action’ report
Animal activities licensing: statutory guidance for local authorities: Amendments to guidance on Dog kennel boarding licensing 260422
DfT Update on Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022
The Licensing Act 2003 (Platinum Jubilee Licensing Hours) Order 2022
Government promise action on pedicab licensing
"A Fare Shake: Reforming Taxis for the 21st Century" report the Adam Smith Institute (ASI)
Local government lawyers and democratic services officers criticise lack of government response to call for evidence on remote meetings
Pavement licensing to be made permanent
DEFRA extend Zoo Practice for Great Britain Consultation Deadline
Wales retain the current Covid legal restrictions
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Act 2022
DfT say it will "modernise" taxi and PH licensing law
Pub overturn fine for alleged Covid breaches
Tourism and hospitality: a great sector to work in - Welsh Economy Minister
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill published
Changes to the Taxi & PHV air quality database
Reminder to submit the DEFRA animal licensing return
Recruitment drive launches in bid to halt taxi driver crisis and help boost Lancaster economy
Welsh Government issue statement on the work of the Task and Finish Group on Gambling Related Harm
9/10 county councillors support ability of authorities to adopt hybrid model of meetings
New DfT Guidance - Taxis and PHVs (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022
TfL enact new Regulations to for private hire operators’ contracts with passengers
DEFRA confirm inspectors do not need to complete a training course by 1 October 2022
Licensing of taxis and PHVs for local authorities in England - guidance in one place
Unlicensed dog breeder handed £10,000 bill
Change in right to work checks from 1st October 2022
Council not held liable for 'psychiatric damage' as a consequence of the negligent advice being given
Liverpool City Council consult on levy removal
Fine for private hire driver who refused to take assistance dog
Nottingham trials UK’s first wireless electric taxis on its ambitious journey to carbon neutrality
London restaurants starved of staff and diners
Funding to transform towns across Wales
Scottish licensing scheme opens for short-term lets
MP calls for marine licenses to be issued by local councils
Edinburgh consult on its alcohol licensing policy
Institute writes to Baroness Vere on dual DBS Issue
"Rogue" taxi driver fined
Best practice rewarded by National Pubwatch at glittering awards dinner at House of Lords
UK hospitality sector declines at fastest pace since lockdown
Newmarket SEV licence renewed despite objections
Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing England and Wales, year ending 31 March 2022
Guildford Licensing win prestigious RSPCA award
World Cup Guidance issued for pubs (Oct 2022)
Extension for DEFRA Animal Welfare Regulations Survey
Edinburgh City Council might review SEV "nil-cap"
Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (031122)
Uber case could push up cost of taking PHVs
Bradford company director found guilty after failing to prove information to SIA
LGA publish Licensing Committee training resources
Health minister says he raised concerns about relaxing Ireland’s licensing laws
Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 2: Emergency Response 031122
Government respond to the post-legislative scrutiny of the Licensing Act 2003
Nation’s nightclubs close doors at 'alarming' rate
Bar's licence suspended after appeal fails
No World Cup Licensing Extension
Chairman's Special Recognition Award 2022: Philip Evans
New measures to protect the most vulnerable from gambling in Westminster
Yvonne Lewis announced as winner of the Jeremy Allen Award 2022
Susanna FitzGerald KC appointed Patron of the Institute of Licensing
10k fine for Huddersfield unlicensed dog breeder
Tax Conditionality in Scotland and Northern Ireland delayed
Unlicensed taxi driver convicted and fined for driving unsafe vehicle
Scotland Consultation: Restricting alcohol advertising and promotion (Nov 2022)
Dog breeders successfully prosecuted under Animal Welfare Act
Penalties for gambling breaches - Daub Alderney Limited v Gambling Commission
Vanity Soho SEV licence suspended after alleged spikings
Government consultation: Late night levy (4 April 2023) (Jan 2023)
Government says there is 'no need' for a specific offence for spiking
Taxi driver fined for leaving blind couple with guide dogs stranded
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013: supplementary guidance updated (Jan 2023)
Scottish Government issue revised Licensing Guidance to Licensing Boards
24 Rochdale taxi firms merge to form a cooperative Licensing Service Extension Announcement
Taxi driver convicted and fined for offering rides illegally at Henley Regatta
Home Office trial shows overwhelming support among clubbers at top venue for new digital ID technology
Revised animal activities licensing statutory guidance for local authorities published
Street parties to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort over a weekend of special events
People accessing drug and alcohol treatment services increased in the last year
Council modifies restaurants licence after alcohol sold to underage teenagers
North Yorkshire Council set to introduce new single taxi licence fee across the county
Council extends venue’s licence suspension after crush deaths
Office for National Statistics Publish Night-time Economy Statistics
MPs call for review of statutory notice guidance amid warning that local papers face continued decline
Birmingham City Council Revokes The Crane's Nightclub Licence
Wales to introduce UK-first mandatory national licensing scheme for special procedures such as tattoos (1)
Gambling Minister speaks ahead of Gambling Act Review
Ban on use and sale of "laughing gas" considered
Factsheet: “Martyn’s Law” - What you need to know
New education films explain the role of Pubwatches and their powers
High Court rule Covid licence revocation was justified
IoL and partners celebrate National Apprenticeship Week
DBS checks and the requirement for separate checks for taxi driving and home to school transport
Taxi and PHV Licensing - Changes to Type Approval
High court overrules Bournemouth’s unlimited strip club policy
Government reiterates commitment on licensing of non-surgical aesthetics sector in England
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee launch inquiry into Pet welfare and Abuse
"Ban" on strip clubs in Edinburgh overturned after dancers win legal battle
Third taxi driver fined for offering illegal rides at Henley Regatta
UK pub closures in 2022 near to highest level in a decade
Festivities for the King’s Coronation weekend
Nitrous Oxide: Call for Evidence
NALC propose Bill amendment to allow hybrid hearings
Liverpool City Council decides to continue with Late Night Levy
Figures show low conviction rate for drink spiking
NTIA and Savenightife CIC launch the Night Safe Champion Programme
NTIA Night Time Economy Report Published
Midlands Council considering Early Morning Restriction Order Consultation
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill Committee Stage - Amendment relating to remote meetings
Council to keep late night levy despite consultation responses calling for scheme to be ditched
Midlands Council decide not to proceed with further consideration of an Early Morning Restriction Order
NR3 national taxi refusals database now include suspensions
Manchester Arena - Volume Three of the Inquiry Report
City council settles claim alleging "discriminatory" pavement licensing policy
Culture Secretary encourages public to add Coronation events to digital map
King's Coronation: Pubs to stay open longer in England and Wales
Hospitality strategy: reopening, recovery, resilience: update on delivery report published (March 2023)
Consultation: Licensing Act 2003: regulatory easements
Daniel Davies re-elected as IoL National Chairman (March 2023)
Advisory Council recommendations on control of nitrous oxide published (March 2023)
Private hire driver fined after operating without a licence in Reading
Welsh Government sets out proposals to modernise taxi services in Wales
Partnership working is the “superpower” of the industry
‘Prohibition of loyalty schemes' due to come into effect in April
IoL Responds to Scottish Government Consultation: Restricting alcohol advertising and promotion (March 2023)
Tax Conditionality to apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland from October 2023
Greater Manchester Combined Authority: “Trailblazer” deeper devolution deal
East Riding calls on residents to ensure they use licensed pet care while on holiday
Institute of Licensing Response to consultation: Restricting alcohol advertising and promotion
IoL Consultation Response: Welsh Government re Statutory licensing scheme for all visitor accommodation providers in Wales
Scrap metal dealer could lose licence following £400k fine
IoL Chair gives evidence to Lords "Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities" inquiry
NAFN issue revised NR3S revised guidance
Tourism Recovery Plan Update Published
Gambling Commission publish March Licensing Authority Bulletin
Private Hire Driver Prosecuted
Briefing Note on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Government announce Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan
William Hill face substantial fines for weak anti-money laundering controls
Home Office consultation: Community safety partnerships review and antisocial behaviour powers (March 2023)
Update to training requirements for local authority inspectors (March 2023)
Cotswold dog boarder convicted of causing unnecessary harm following dog death
Gambling Commission fines 32Red and Platinum Gaming £7.1m
Winners announced in PubAid Community Pub Hero Awards
Blakeney Woman sentenced for Animal Cruelty
New measures to tackle child sexual abuse
"Pubs dread cliff edge" with energy bills set to rise by almost £20k - BBPA
Westminster City Council launches Women’s Night Safety programme
Home Office launch "informal survey" on Alcohol Licensing Fees
Update from GOV.UK for: Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022
Council in North West votes to consult on a Late Night Levy
150 pubs have shut this year as energy bills soar
Nightclub Premises Licence revoked following murder inside venue
Court to rule on lawfulness of remote licensing hearings
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, Committee Stage, House of Lords, latest licensing related amendments
Cocktail Club: Bar keeps licence after underage drinking
District Judge in Magistrates’ Court rules on lawfulness of remote licensing hearings
Review of the Disclosure and Barring Regime published
Greggs to seek mediation in Westminster licensing case
Licensing Act 2003 (Coronation Licensing Hours) Order 2023
Institute of Licensing Consultation Response: Welsh Government - Special Procedures Consultation
Consultation on a Registration Scheme for Short-term Lets in England
Mandatory Use of the NR3S is effective 27 April 2023
GambleAware campaign to tackle stigma of gambling harms
Local Authority Awards for excellence - the RSPCA PawPrints Award is open for nominations
Gambling White Paper published
‘Martyn’s Law’ (The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill) has been published
Government consultation on legitimate use of Nitrous Oxide 20230504
The Licensing (Form of Licence) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023
Institute of Licensing Response to consultation on Licensing Act 2003 Regulatory Easements
Tamworth man prosecuted for pub health and safety breaches
Nightclub gets go-ahead for judicial review after council grants planning permission for regeneration scheme
Jeremy Allen Award 2013 Winner - David Etheridge
Bob Bennett wins the Jeremy Allen Award 2016
Jeremy Allen Award winner 2017 - Claire Perry
Jeremy Allen Award 2012 Winner - Jon Shipp
Alan Lynagh wins the first Jeremy Allen Award (2011)
Jeremy Allen Award 2014 - Alan Tolley
Jane Blade wins the Jeremy Allen Award 2015
Jeremy Allen Award 2018 Winner - Stephen Baker
Unlicensed dog breeders prosecuted
Prosecution of illegal cattery
Gambling Commission's plans for implementation of the Gambling Act Review White Paper
Leeds City Council's alcohol licensing data matrix
Manchester City Council embed the principles of Martyn’s Law in existing licensing framework
Gambling Advertising and the White Paper - Article by Gerald Gouriet KC (May 2023)
Government publishes response to late night levy consultation (May 2023)
House of Lords debate on the Licensing Act 2003 (Liaison Committee Report) (May 2023)
Greggs and Westminster agree deal on Leicester Square late night operations
Houses in Multiple Occupation (Asylum-Seeker Accommodation)(England) Regulations 2023
SIA launches new licensing videos to guide applicants through licence application process
Private hire driver convicted following Henley Regatta enforcement operation
JR refused on Council CCTV policy for Taxis
Gambling Commission sets out it future research programme
Gambling Commission publish statistics on participation and problem gambling for the year to March 2023
Government not taking “appalling” harms from alcohol seriously enough - Public Accounts Committee
LGA produce Licensing Committee flyer
LGA issue EA scrap metal database reminder
DEFRA consultation re Penalty notices for animal health and welfare offences (May 2023)
Government drop Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill
Hidden Economy Conditionality: Scotland & Northern Ireland Update
Institute of Licensing Response to the consultation on the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (Wales) Bill: White Paper
Home Office publish Martyn's Law draft evaluation guidance
Partnership taxi opp helps keep district’s roads safe
Complaints about non-surgical procedures ‘rising at alarming rate’ in UK
Reminder: Alcohol Licensing Fees Consultation
Paddy Power and Betfair fined for marketing to vulnerable customers
Public attitudes to and awareness of minimum pricing for alcohol in Wales
Scottish Government Taxi and Private Hire Car Licensing Best Practice Guidance
Court of Session finds Edinburgh’s short-term let licensing policy to be unlawful
DBS launches refreshed 2025 strategy
Jeremy Allen Award 2023 - now open for nominations! 120623
Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
Seven Stoke-on-Trent taxi drivers hit with huge fines 'for putting public at risk'
Greene King teams with Best Bar None to champion safety
City families urged to check vehicle hire companies during Prom season
Market impact data on gambling behaviour
"Ambitious" plans to grow the economy and boost UK creative industries
Cardiff licensed driver convicted of rape
Government sets out plans to ban the keeping of primates as pets
Government accused of drug testing licensing U-turn
“Premises” - what can and cannot be closed using a closure order?
MPs "reject" attempt to revive animal welfare bill
Police Scotland Campaign to Crack Down on Proxy Sales
Home Office Refusal of Security Business Licensing Leaves Void in Counter Terrorism Duty says NTIA & UKDSA
New report on the future of hospitality in Scotland
Council failed to complete investigation and communicate decision to school taxi driver, Ombudsman finds
Amended guidance on the late night levy
Country house three-day event halted by council
DCMS Consultation: Measures relating to the land-based gambling sector 260723
Gambling Commission Consultation on proposed changes to Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP), Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS), and arrangements for Regulatory Panels (270723)
DCMS consultation: A maximum stake limit for online slots games in Great Britain 270723
The PSA raises concerns about people being harmed by non-surgical cosmetics
Tourism projects in Wales win share of £5 million to help get the basics right for visitors
Bournemouth director sentenced for supplying illegal security
Fourth National Lottery licence competition - Claimants has "lacks the legal standing to bring this legal claim against the Commission"
Call for evidence – Driver licensing for people with medical conditions
Diversionary and Community Cautions: Draft Code of Practice
LGA response to the "Gambling Related Harm APPG White Paper Inquiry Launch"
Rogue taxi driver prosecuted
Nightclub Industry Struggles with Over 100 Independent Nightclubs Lost in Last 12 Months
Government publish "Police led alcohol intervention checklist and toolkit"
Sports clubs should shoulder full cost of ground safety certification, not councils – LGA
Two months to go before Scotland's short-term lets licensing deadline
The Business and Planning Act 2020 (Pavement Licences) (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
Regulatory Easements Stakeholder Home Office Update
"Tell us Once" service now includes licences and permits
Crooked House scandal must be the catalyst for a change to the law to stop the asset-stripping of pubs – Campaign for Pubs write to the Prime Minister
Swansea taxi licence bid turned down by judge
Updated s.182 guidance to reflect regulatory easement policy change
Gambling Commission warns against "misuse of gambling statistics"
Gove asks councils to "rapidly consider" licensing applications in lead up to Woman's World Cup Final
TEN in the Business and Planning Act Guidance Updated
Government urged to change licensing laws for national events
Firearms licensing guidance updated
Brixton Academy licence hearing scheduled for September
No extension for Scottish short-term lets licence deadline
Slight rise in Scottish alcohol-specific deaths
New remote customer interaction guidance update – August 2023
Off-trade alcohol availability and violence: Assessing the impact of on-trade outlet closures
Dog licensing prioritised after boy mauled to death
Tax Checks for Scotland and Northern Ireland ready for implementation in October
Consultation launched as government cracks down on unregulated cosmetic procedures
DHSC Consultation: Licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures
Government response to consultation on Nitrous oxide: legitimate uses and appropriate controls
NAFN issue NR3S FAQs
Man found with cannabis granted private hire licence
Government propose ban on pub-stops for Scottish football buses
Government launch consultation on legitimate uses and appropriate controls of Nitrous Oxide
Council investigation leads to conviction for illegal dog breeding and animal cruelty
Animal Protection Agency issue guidance on snake enclosure sizes
Nitrous oxide to be illegal by end of the year
Stonegate to introduce surge pricing in 800 pubs
Nuneaton pub licence revoked
Expert recommend licensing regime for American Bully XL dogs
Government joins forces with industry to create next generation of hospitality leaders
The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
Provision of Services Regulations 2009: proposed reforms
Brixton Academy can reopen once conditions are met
National Pubwatch extends free educational film series to help pubs
New gambling Industry Forum
Pembrokeshire man prosecuted for working without a licence
UK Music Takes Manifesto To Parliament
Short-term let licensing scheme 'could breach human rights laws'
Two pubs a day disappearing in England and Wales
Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (Scotland) Act 2012 - operation and effect 2018 to 2023: report
Scottish Government Consultation: Alcohol - minimum unit pricing - continuation and future pricing 20092023
Legislation to clamp down on cruel animal experiences abroad
Alcohol licensing: guidance on temporary off-sales permissions
Taxi driver jailed after sexually assaulting passenger in Nottingham city centre
Worcestershire’s coroner says council should do more to root out “unscrupulous” dog breeders
Financial risk check proposals – open letter to Racing Post readers
IoL responds to Scottish Government consultation on the licensing of activities involving animals 260923
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (Wales) Bill - Summary of consultation responses published 260923
Get ready for ban on single use plastics - Councils Urge
Eastbourne company prosecuted for supplying illegal security
Government action taken to help promote no and low-alcohol drinks
Local pubs, museums and sports clubs secured with £12.3m levelling up boost
Tax Checks for Scotland and Northern Ireland comes into force
Scottish short-term lets licensing scheme comes into force
IoL Member Survey re DHSC Consultation re Licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures
IoL responds to DCMS consultation re land based gambling measures 021023
Update on the Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle (Wales) Bill
SIA response to BBC File on 4 investigation into security training
Tax conditionality for licensing taxi and scrap metal sectors equality impact assessment
Summer of council enforcement reinforces urgent calls for pedicabs regulation
Shetland Licensing board agree 12-week gambling consultation
NTIA Appoints 30 Night Time Economy Ambassadors Across the UK to Accelerate Local Representation
NICE consults on "Harmful Gambling" guidance
Best Practice for Rapid Delivery Services Delivering Age Restricted Products
Report calls for stricted licensing frameworks to tackle rising modern slavery cases
Cardiff man prosecuted for working illegally
PCA reviews how pub companies manage repairs and dilapidations in response to tenant dissatisfaction
Third of Greater Manchester taxi drivers registered in Wolverhampton - FOI
West Northamptonshire Council defer a vote on "controversial new licensing rules"
Herefordshire Council approves new Taxi Policy
Draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill
Mold pub has live music licence revoked
The Government launches its consultation on the introduction of a statutory levy for gambling operators
Two Binbrook men prosecuted for working security illegally
Church gets late-night licence
Council’s temporary pavement café licensing scheme extended with consultation underway on permanent scheme
Black Cab number decline as PHVs increase
LGA renew call for ability to hold council remote meetings
Nitrous oxide to be illegal from November
Night Time Industries Association Calls on Political Parties to Adopt Recommendations in 'Darkest Before the Dawn', its Manifesto for the Night Time Economy 2024.
Department for Business & Trade: Call for Evidence re Smarter regulation and the regulatory landscape (Oct 23)
IoL responds to DHSC consultation on Licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in England 241023
Gambling Commission makes changes to Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice
LGA "Licensing tip sheets" for Elected Members
LGA publish updated Gambling Guidance
Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
The SIA's position on licence holders who act as vigilantes
Burton Latimer cattery loses licence after inspection reveals unhealthy and unsafe environment for cats
Taxi driver convicted of faking taxi licence and driving while uninsured after Stockport Council investigation
Market impact data on gambling behaviour - operator data to Sept 2023
Security operative prosecuted for working with cloned SIA licences
Opening hours extended to 1am for Glasgow city centre pubs
Club Using Body-Heat to Create Energy Bags BBN Glasgow Award
Nitrous Oxide banned from today 08112023
The King's Speech: Martyn's Law and licensing matters
Chairman's Special Recognition Awards 2023
Licensed venue numbers drop below 100,000 for first time
Edinburgh licensing board to cut festive trading hours ‘at worst possible time’ say hospitality industry
West Bromwich man prosecuted for working illegally at a Birmingham bar
Investigatory Powers Act 2016 reform announced in King’s Speech
Council to re-consult on late night levy to focus on the Town Centre and capture late night refreshment premises
Brighton Councillors agree plans to modernise beach hut licences
Company who illegally 'pressured people into donating' to them on streets of Manchester fined
Jeremy Allen Award 2023 – John Miley
DfT Publish Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Best Practice Guidance
Spa-Tax Taxis guilty of operating vehicles without a licence
Gambling Commission sets out second round of Gambling Act Review consultations
Council right to revoke driver’s licence following pattern of dangerous driving
SIA respond to concerns about training malpractice
2023 Young People and Gambling Report
Home Affairs Committee chair writes to Minister for Security regarding the Draft Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill
Blackburn man who posed as taxi driver admits raping women
Plans to keep pubs open longer if UK nations reach Euros semis
Daniel Davies to step down as IoL National Chairman in March 2024
Gambling Commission consults on second set of consultations on proposals contained in the White Paper
Scottish Government to launch alcohol marketing consultation
Uber to partner with iconic Black Cabs in London
Scottish Government alcohol marketing clampdown to be ‘narrower’ after opposition
Edinburgh Licensing Board votes to change festive trading policy
IoL writes to Minister expressing concern over lack of forms progress
Taxi driver stripped of licence by council and courts for financially grooming elderly passenger
Unlicensed Taxi driver fined after illegally operating in Reading
Licensing Hours Extensions Bill
Wandsworth launches its Night Time Strategy
Edinburgh Council warned of strip club 'monopoly'
Bournemouth nightclub to remain open after review
Glasgow private hire driver loses licence after "horror attack"
Six-week Martyn’s Law consultation launched
Taxi driver fined for illegally operating in Henley on Thames
Londoners sink £25m party ship in new blow for capital’s night time economy
Scotland Minimum Unit Pricing Rise
Security boss prosecuted for breaching the Private Security Industry Act
Animal Sentience Committee letter on XL Bully dogs and the Dangerous Dogs Act
Government promise more work on disabled taxi access
School bus licence revoked after massive failings
Permanent pavement café licensing scheme now operational in city
NTIA figures reveal extent of nightclub closure crisis
The Second UK Electronic Music Industry Report
Delivering a registration scheme for short-term lets in England - the next steps 190224
Carlisle's Truth nightclub "licence switch" refused over safety fears
Reading club licence suspended as cocaine found in toilets
Government to help more black cab drivers go green with further funding support
Tougher laws to protect children from sexual abuse
New £2 maximum stake for under 25s playing online slots
UKHospitality backs Euros licensing extension
SIA launches consultation on new business approval scheme
Business crime and licensing officers making stolen goods too hot to handle
Manchester Co-op Live and AO Arena in licensing row
Addison Lee settles with drivers to in Workers’ Rights case
Driver counts cost of letting car be used as taxi without licence during Henley Regatta
Martyn's Law Consultation - Webinar Dates for your diary 26022024
IoL and LAPG supporting the National Pubwatch Conference 26022024
APPG for Metal Stone and Heritage Crime call for Scrap Metal Act review
Oxford man prosecuted for fraud
Private hire driver loses licence after using phone at the wheel
Ministerial Statement on Welsh Animal Welfare Plan
Night Time Industries Association and Institute of Hospitality Join Forces for #LeaveNoOneBehind Campaign
The Animal Welfare (Primate Licences) (England) Regulations 2023 - Update
Trio guilty of unauthorised breeding and welfare offences
LGA publishes new report on the future of cultural services
Gambling Minister Stuart Andrew speaks at the Gambling with Lives Parliamentary Forum
"Overwhelming" support for animal licensing regime in Scotland
Police withdraw licence review after sale of Whitby bar
Leeds pub keeps licence despite violence
Taxi drivers pay price for operating illegally at Henley Regatta
IoL Response to Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill Home Office Consultation
Illegal gambling den raided
Venue to stay open as nightclub after noise row
UK's largest live entertainment arena granted a premises licence
BBFC launches new Classification Guidelines
Temporary Events Notice (England and Wales) updated 22012024
VAT Treatment of Private Hire Vehicles Consultation
Greene King achieves Best Bar None nationwide accreditation
Conditions restricting ability to cross-border subcontract quashed on appeal
Tewkesbury private hire licensing prosecutions
Kate Nicholls Elected as Institute of Licensing National Chair
New licensing regime needed to tackle rogue shisha bars
Primate licensing
Taxi driver loses appeal to operate in East Cambs
IoL Response to Digital Age Verification Consultation
London pedicab licensing bill set to receive Royal Assent
Gambling Commission confirm change to the frequency of regulatory returns
The PCA has concluded its review of Stonegate’s historic breaches of the Pubs Code in relation to Rent Proposals
More lost pets to return home as microchipping system reformed
XL Bully dog exemption application process opens in Scotland
Councils lobby Ministers not to scrap selective licencing schemes
VAT Treatment of Private Hire Vehicles Consultation (1)
Unlicensed Taxi driver fined after operating illegally in Reading
Dad, 32, died from organ failure after getting tattoo in a shed
Merthyr Tydfil venue must stop live music at 8pm after noise complaints
NTIA Says Brixton Academy Reopening Marks New Era of Crowd Safety within Performance Spaces
Scotland Parliment agrees to Minimum Unit Pricing rise
Pedicabs (London) Bill set to receive Royal Assent
Nightclub's "fate" to be decided in licence review
Aston University completes two-year study into understanding effects of harmful gambling experienced by council tenants
"Millions" to take home more cash as new guidance on tipping is published
IoL is supporting the PHTM Expo 2024
Judge wrong to dismiss case against alleged unlicensed security boss
Investigatory powers enhanced "to keep people safer"
Pedicabs (London) Act 2024
Uber re-applies for licence to operate in Aberdeen
Landlord sole objector to deli owner's alcohol licensing application
Parliamentary inquiry launched into hospitality recruitment and retention
New Gambling rules "boosting safety and consumer choice"
Market impact data on gambling behaviour to March 2024
Report shows hospitality and ENTE sectors have experienced "significant increase in businesses going into administration"
Welsh Food and Drink Festivals and Events Fund announced
London's black cab drivers file multimillion pound lawsuit against Uber
Pubs to stay open late if England or Scotland reach the euros semi finals
Rate of hospitality closures slows in first quarter of 2024 versus last year
The Licensing Act 2003 (UEFA European Football Championship Licensing Hours) Order 2024
Protecting fans from ticket touts in Scotland
Welsh Food and Drink Festivals and Events Fund announced (1)
Man prosecuted for working unlicensed as a school security guard
Glasgow private hire driver who attempted assault with 'bat' gets new licence
NR3S Developments
Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England
MPs call for arena ticket levy and tax relief to stem tide of grassroots music venue closures
The need for responsible alcohol delivery
Bucks taxi driver loses licence after being caught using mobile phone while driving
Consultation: Consumption of alcohol in licensed pavement areas / off-sales
IoL Supports Advice For Licensees Showing European Championship Football Matches Guidance
Government response to measures relating to the land-based gambling sector
Report shows "devastating" loss of nightclubs
Short-term lets licensing in Scotland
Nightclub brings High Court challenge after licence revoked at remote hearing
Culture, Media and Sport Committee publish "Grassroots music venues" report
Department drive to make Ireland’s nightlife inclusive for people with disabilities
Alcohol abuse costing £27bn a year in England
Unlicensed dog breeder prosecuted
Government Regulation White Papers
Belfast driver fined £475 for taxi licensing and insurance offences
Glasgow approves 1am bar licence for city centre under new rules
Licensing Hours Extensions Bill passes Commons Stage
Launch of consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales
Licensed drug testing continues at music festivals this summer
Camden Council Grants Farsight Collective 4am Licence for New Grassroots Music Venue in Seven Dials Cumulative Impact Area
Changes to the Animal Activity Licensing Statutory Guidance
Animal Inspectors: Horse Riding establishments update
Scottish Visitor Levy Bill passed
Taxi Driver fined following a successful prosecution by Reading Council
Somerset animal attraction licence revoked
Almost 40 people refused private hire licences in Glasgow under overprovision policy
Taxi driver sees licence revoked for speeding offences
Licensing Hours Extensions Bill falls after dissolution of Government
Linton woman fined for unlicensed dog breeding after guilty plea
Guide Dogs campaign to end taxi access refusals for assistance dogs
NR3S Updated NAFN Guidance and FAQs
Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Act 2024 - Update
Soho bar allowed to reopen after sexual assault in men's toilets
MacKinnnon's in the Gallowgate closes after 37 years
Jeremy Allen Award 2024 - now open for nominations
Council’s revocation of taxi licence after previous suspension upheld on appeal
NTIA urges political parties to prioritise ENTE
Street trader wins appeal over conviction for trading without a licence
Irish Minister for Infrastructure confirm no plans for reviewing taxi legislation
Councillor fined £49k for selling puppies without licence
Uber gets operating licence in York amidst trade protests
Illegal street trader fined for second time this year
Political Party's Manifestos
Euros competition safety campaign launched in North West Leicestershire
Sight Loss Councils - Guidance for Taxis, mini cabs and PHV
Glue traps licensing scheme opens
SIA releases videos for businesses, licence holders and applicants
NTIA reports shows 32 independent venues shut weekly in 2023-2024
New music funding for Welsh businesses
Mitigation of Terrorist Threats at Venues during Ingress and Egress - New Guidance
General Election News: Conservatives pledge focus on pubs and clubs in 'first 100 days'
Updates to Scotland's short-term lets licensing scheme approved
Statistics on gambling participation – Year 1 (2023) Report
Euros and Father’s Day "power beer sales"
Cardiff cab drivers protest at council’s reduction of taxi rank spaces
The Pet Lodge Eltham loses licence over concerns for animals
Venue loses licence over "teen girls rape inquiry"
TfL Licensing requirements are changing 1 July
GOV.UK Licensing Update - Service Extension Confirmed
Remote licensing hearings are lawful, High Court rules
Allied Vehicles Letter to Licensing Authorities
Welsh Government commit to modernising taxi & PH licensing
SIA publishes business approval scheme consultation findings
Luton private hire driver loses appeal against revoked licence over "inappropriate behaviour"
Uber driver ordered to pay over £1,000 for second offence of illegally operating in Reading
Court of Appeal discharges operator "principal" declaration made in Uber v Sefton
Licensing Officer - Torbay Council (2)
Food & Safety Officer - Torbay Council
Senior Administrator / Executive Assistant - Institute of Licensing
Licensing Officer - Exeter City Council 24/01/2024
Licensing Manager - Charnwood Borough Council 240124
Licensing Support Officer - North East Derbyshire District Council 250124
Licensing & Night-time Economy Manager 17/01/2024
Regulatory Licensing Officer - St Albans City & District Council 01/02/24
Licensing Officer Level 1 - Bristol City Council 12/12/2023
Licensing Officer (Level 2) x 3 Posts - Bristol City Council 12/12/2023
Senior Licensing Officer - Elmbridge Borough Council 201223
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Spelthorne Borough Council 211223
Licensing Officer - Crawley Borough Council 211223
Senior Licensing Officer - Runnymede Borough Council 020124
National Chair - Institute of Licensing
Licensing Manager - Dacorum Borough Council 090124
Licensing Officer - Hertsmere Borough Council
Licensing Apprentice, London Borough of Barnet 12/01/2024
Licensing Manager - Swindon Borough Council 020424
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Norwich City Council 020424
Licensing Officer - Arun District Council 040424
Preston City Council - Licensing Manager 050424
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Spelthorne Borough Council 170524
Licensing Coordinator - Betway Group 170524
Licensing Support Officer x 2 - Stoke-on-Trent City Council 080724
Licensing Officer x 2 - South Gloucestershire Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Hyndburn Borough Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Swale Borough Council
Licensing Officer - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils
Corporate and Contracted Services Licensing Technical Officer - Dacorum Borough Council
x2 Licensing Officer - Elmbridge Borough Council
Public Protection Officer (Licensing) - Wiltshire Council
Associate/Senior Associate – TLT Solicitors 250522
Licensing Officer - Leicester City Council
Specialist Officer (Licensing) – Mid Devon District Council (June 2022)
Specialist Lead (Licensing) – Mid Devon District Council
Licensing Officer - London Borough of Hillingdon 180124
Licensing Officer - Horsham District Council 220124
LGA Advisor - 23/01/2024
Licensing Officer (Enforcement) - South Derbyshire District Council 090424
Team Leader (Licensing Enforcement) - Trafford Council 090424
Assistant Licensing Officer / Licensing Officer / Senior Licensing Officer - North Herts Council 090424
Licensing Technical Support Officer LBHF615807 - Hammersmith & Fulham Council 120424
Licensing Senior Officer (G7) - Rochdale Borough Council 150424
Licensing Officers - Birmingham City Council
Licensing Officer - Cornwall Council
Specialist Level 1 (Licensing) - South Lakeland Council 110422
Licensing Team Leader - Swale Borough Council
Senior Environmental Health Officer - Harrogate Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - North Norfolk District Council
Animal Welfare Officer – Oldham Council (24/07/2023)
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council: Licensing Enforcement Officer x 3  (REQ05331)
Licensing Officer - Stroud District Council
Licensing Enforcement/Technical Officer: Harrogate Borough Council
Licensing Officer 020823
Technical Officer (Licensing) 030823
Licensing Support Officer 030823
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (2)
Regulatory Manager – Licensing Birmingham (12 month FTC)
Licensing Team Leader - London Borough of Southwark
Licensing Support Officer - East Cambridgeshire District Council (17/07/23)
Licensing Officer – Arun District Council (20/07/2023)
Technical Support Assistant – Arun District Council (20/07/23)
Enforcement Officer: East Staffordshire Borough Council
Contractor Opportunity - The Greater Manchester Licensing Network
Senior Licensing Officer  - Bristol City Council
Licensing Compliance Officer (Fixed Term) - Oxford City Council
Principal Licensing Officer (Policy and Administration): Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Public Protection & Enforcement Manager - Crawley Borough Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Lichfield District Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer: Spelthorne Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer – Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk
Principal Officer – Licensing:  Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
Licensing Officer – Wigan Council
Senior Licensing Assistant - City of York
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Brent Council
Temporary Licensing Officer - Wigan Council
Assistant Licensing Enforcement Officer - Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Taxi Testing Centre Examiner - Leicester City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Spelthorne Borough Council (1)
Trading Standards and Licensing Manager - Bradford
Group Compliance Officer - 24x7 Ltd
Caseworker - Guildford Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Selby District Council
Licensing Support Advisor – Co-op
Compliance Manager - Regulatory Delivery: Gambling Commission 280221
Licensing Officer - Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council (1)
Specialist Level 1 (Licensing) - South Lakeland District Council
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer - Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
Enforcement Officer - Licensing: London Borough of Southwark (120922)
Licensing Officer - Crawley Borough Council (1)
Service Manager - Plymouth City Council
Licensing Technician - Sevenoaks District Council (1)
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Harrogate Borough Council (Jan 2023)
Senior Environmental Health Officer - Harrogate Borough Council (Jan 2023)
Senior Licensing Officer - West Suffolk Council (1)
Licensing Officer - Epsom & Ewell Borough Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Cheltenham Borough Council
Environmental Health Team Manager (Licensing) – North East Derbyshire District Council
Taxi Admin Team Leader  - Milton Keynes Council
Taxi Licensing Administrator - Milton Keynes Council
Licensing Officer - Mid Sussex District Council (2)
Licensing Officer - Nottingham City Council
Licensing Assistant - South Gloucestershire Council (1)
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Reading Borough Council 0722
Licensing Support Officer – Nottingham City Council 0722
Licensing Officer - West Suffolk Council (2)
Licensing Officer - East Devon District Council
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer: Rotherham MBC (July 22)
Licensing Officer - Wokingham Borough Council
Licensing Team Leader - Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Food and Safety Technical Officer - Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Senior Licensing Officer – Royal Borough of Kingston (July 2022)
Environmental Health Technician - Licensing Specialist (2 Year Fixed Term Contract): Adur & Worthing (August 2022)
Licensing Officer (EENH023) - Mid Sussex District Council
Administrator (Licensing) - Avon & Somerset Police
Regulatory Enforcement Officer (Licensing) - Cheshire West and Chester Council
Senior Licensing Officer: Elmbridge Borough Council (Ref SER/22/207018)
Licensing Officer: Nottingham City Council (CO1895 )
Licensing Officer x 2 - South Gloucestershire Council (1)
Licensing Assistant: South Gloucestershire Council 160822
Licensing Manager - City of London
Food, Safety and Licensing Support Officer - Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Licensing Assistant - North West Leicestershire District Council
Licensing Officer - Torbay Council
Regulatory Services Manager (Commercial) - Torbay Council
Licensing Officer / Senior Licensing Officer - Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Licensing Support Officer Vacancy - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse
Licensing Officer - Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
Events Coordinator - Institute of Licensing (Part Time)
Principal Licensing Officer – Exeter City Council
Licensing enforcement officer vacancy - Cheltenham Borough Council
Opportunity with Hampshire County Council
Senior Licensing Officer - General - Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Licensing Manager - London Borough of Merton
Environmental Technical officer - Ryedale District Council
Licensing Officer - North Kesteven District Council
Principal Licensing Officer - London Borough of Merton
Assistant Licensing Officer - Ceredigion County Council
Licensing Technical Compliance Officer - Ashfield District Council
Licensing Officer - Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
Licensing Officer (part-time) - Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Harlow Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - East Herts Council
Licensing Officer (Taxi) - Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Licensing Technical Officer - Daventry District Council
Assistant Licensing Officer - Craven District Council
Licensing Officer - West Suffolk Council
Licensing Officer - Mid Sussex District Council
Temporary Licensing Enforcement Officer (6 Month Contract) - Spelthorne Borough Council
Licensing Officer - West Suffolk Council (1)
Licensing Processing Officer - Ealing Council
Assistant Licensing Officer - Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Assistant Licensing Officer - Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council (1)
Licensing Assistant - Teignbridge District Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Amber Valley Borough Council
Events Coordinator Contract - Institute of Licensing
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Animal Welfare - Ref: 22-20 - Breckland Council
Taxi Licensing Enforcement Officer - Milton Keynes Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Spelthorne Borough Council
Regulatory Services Manager (Trading Standards & Licensing) - Trafford Council
Licensing Manager - Scarborough Borough Council
Licensing Technician - Sevenoaks District Council
Licensing Officer - Mid Sussex District Council (1)
Solicitor (Licensing and Highways) - Westminster City Council
Solicitor (Licensing and Highways) – Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
Regulatory Services Manager (Trading Standards & Licensing) - Trafford Council (1)
Environmental Protection Officer (Licensing) - Kingston Council
Head of Community Protection and Licensing – London Borough of Redbridge
Part Time Licensing Officer (Animal Welfare) - Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk
Licensing enforcement Officer - North West Leicestershire District Council
Vehicle Examiner: Leeds City Council - Communities & Environment
Licensing Officer: City of York Council
Licensing Officer - Cheltenham Borough Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Sunderland City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer  (Fixed Term): Chorley Council
Caseworker (10311): Guildford Borough Council
Technical Support Officer – Harrogate Borough Council Job reference REQ001762
Technical Officer Licensing and Gypsy Traveller - Herefordshire Council
Licensing Officer - Lancaster City Council
Licensing Officer - Milton Keynes Council
Licensing Technical Officer - West Northamptonshire Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer: Nottingham City Council CO1537-E
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer - York City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer x3 - York City Council
Taxi Licensing Manager - City of York
Licensing Technical Officer – Telford & Wrekin Council (Ref TWC000005121)
Licensing Officer - Cornwall Council (Ref 15009)
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Buckinghamshire Council
Licensing Officer x 2 - Buckinghamshire Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer x 2 - Birmingham City Council (Ref BCC002405)
Licensing & Enforcement Officer - Sunderland City Council
Licensing Technical Compliance Officer - Ashfield District Council (1)
Licensing Officer - Essex Police
Licensing Technician (P01171): Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Public Protection and Enforcement Manager - Crawley Borough Council
Licensing Specialist - South Hams & West Devon
Licensing Officer - Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Basildon Council
Licensing Officer (Casual) x 3 - Basildon Council
Temporary Licensing Enforcement Officer - Harrogate Borough Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Crawley Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Crawley Borough Council
Principal Licensing Officer - Buckinghamshire Council
Licensing Officer x 2 - Birmingham City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Wyre Council
Licensing Officer - Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Environmental Health Practitioner (General) - Stratford-on-Avon
Enforcement & Safety Service Service Managers - Wokingham Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Milton Keynes Council (1)
Licensing Officer (Part Time) - Rushmoor Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Havant Borough Council
Licensing Manager - Preston City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Nottingham City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead
Senior Licensing Officer - Kirklees Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Mole Valley District Council
Senior Licensing Officer - LB Barking & Dagenham
Licensing Officer - Cheltenham Borough Council (1)
Environmental Protection Officer (Licensing)- Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (171221)
Licensing Officer - East Staffordshire Borough Council ESBC000000658
Licensing Administrator – Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council
Licensing Officer – South Staffordshire Council
Licensing Officer - Stevenage Borough Council 000518
Licensing Officer(s) – Kirklees Council (040122)
Commercial & Licensing Team Opportunity (Environmental Health) - Cambridge City Council
Senior Environment and Licensing Enforcement Officer - Rushcliffe Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer x 3 - Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Licensing Officer - East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Licensing Technical Officer - East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Licensing Officer - East Riding of Yorkshire Council (re-advertising)
Office Administrator / Personal Assistant - Institute of Licensing
Licensing Assistant - Charnwood Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Charnwood Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement and Compliance Officer - Cheltenham Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Nottingham City Council 250322
Licensing Support Officer - Nottingham City Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (1)
Licensing Assistant - South Gloucestershire Council
Licensing Officer - 2 POSTS - Hull City Council
Licensing Team Leader - Dacorum MBC
Licensing Officer (Part-Time (Temporary)) - East Staffordshire Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Cornwall Council (1)
Principal Licensing Officer - Buckinghamshire Council (1)
Licensing Officer - Buckinghamshire Council
Caseworker - Guildford Borough Council (1)
Havant Borough Council - Licensing Support Officer
Senior Licensing Officer - Hastings Borough Council
Licensing Officer – Elmbridge Borough Council 1022
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Warwick District Council 111022
Technical Officer (Licensing) - South Cambridgeshire District Council
Licensing Officer - Torbay Council (1)
Licensing Officer - Carlisle City Council
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer - Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Nottingham City Council (1)
Licensing Officer - East Hampshire District Council
Senior Licensing Officer - Amber Valley Borough Council (1)
Licensing Officer - South Derbyshire District Council (1)
Licensing Team Leader - South Holland District Council
Licensing Officer - Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
Senior Manager – Compliance - Birmingham, West Midlands (with hybrid working)
Senior Licensing Officer - West Suffolk Council
Compliance Manager - Birmingham, West Midlands (with hybrid working)
Trainee Licensing Officer / Licensing Officer - Elmbridge Borough Council
Casework Investigator – Gambling Commission (Jan 23)
Licensing Officer - Cheltenham Borough Council (2)
Safeguarding Compliance Officer - Shropshire Council
Principal Licensing Officer - Arun District Council
SAG Coordinator - City of York Council
Caseworker - Environmental & Regulatory Services - Guildford Borough Council
Licensing Officer (Noise and Public Nuisance) - Torbay Council
Assistant Licensing Officer / Licensing Officer / Senior Licensing Officer - North Herts Council
Licensing Officer - North Northamptonshire Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Waltham Forest Council
Licensing Assistant - Derbyshire Dales District Council
Licensing Assistant - Derbyshire Dales District Council (Part Time)
Senior Taxi Licensing Officer - Sandwell Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Amber Valley Borough Council
Senior Manager – Licensing Birmingham, West Midlands (with hybrid working)
Licensing Officer x2 - West Berkshire Council
Regulatory Manager (FTC) - Gambling Commission
Gypsy Traveller and Licensing Assistant – Herefordshire Council (March 23)
Technical Officer Animal Licensing - Herefordshire Council
Membership & Events Coordinator: Institute of Licensing (August 2023)
Licensing Officer - Nottingham City Council (1)
Apprentice Licensing Support Officer- Warrington Borough Council (March 2023) (1)
Licensing Officer - Winchester City Council
Workplace Compliance Officer - Burnley Borough Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Cherwell District Council (March 2023)
Enforcement Officer - Taxi Licensing - Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
Licensing Team Leader - South Holland District Council (1)
Senior Trading Standards/Licensing Officer - Bexleyheath
Technical Officer Animal Licensing - Herefordshire Council (1)
Licensing Officer - Swansea Council
Licensing Officer - Crawley Borough Council (2)
Licensing Officer - Horsham District Council
Licensing Enforcement Officer - London Borough of Newham
Licensing Support Officer - North East Derbyshire District Council
Licensing Technical Compliance Officer - Ashfield District Council (2)
Business Unit Manager - Neighbourhood Nuisance
Licensing Assistant (Liquor Licensing & Gambling Team)
Halton Borough Council - Taxi Enforcement Officer
Licensing Clerk (Braintree)
Licensing Officer South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Huntingdonshire District Council
Licensing Assistant - City of London
Licensing Officer (Policy and Projects) - City of London
Licensing Officer - Yate
Licensing Assistant - Yate
Licensing Officer/Senior Licensing Officer - North Herts Council
Taxi and Private Hire Officer - Tewkesbury
Licensing Officer (Fixed Term) - Tewkesbury
Licensing Officer (Permanent) - Tewkesbury
Licensing & Animal Welfare Team Leader - Havant Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Arun District Council
Apprentice Licensing Officer - East Staffordshire Borough Council
Licensing & Enforcement Officer - Reading Borough Council
Principal Licensing Officer - Lichfield District Council
Licensing Officer - East Staffordshire Borough Council
Licensing Officer - Nottingham City Council (2)
Licensing Admin Officer - Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils 270723
Licensing Compliance Officer 280723
Licensing Support Officer - Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead 280723
Regulatory Caseworker (FTC) Birmingham, West Midlands (with hybrid working)
Animal Welfare Officer/Senior Animal Welfare Officer – Havant Borough Council HB0184 070823
Enforcement Officer - Taxi Licensing  Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council 090823
Licensing Assistant 100823
Licensing Assistant (M220) - Charnwood Borough Council (CBC), Leicestershire 160823
Licensing Officer - Enforcement - High Peak Borough Council and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council 170823
Senior Licensing Officer - Newark & Sherwood District Council (08 2023)
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Spelthorne Borough Council 160923
Licensing Officer - London Borough of Hillingdon 080923
Team Manager, Licensing ( Bridgend and Vale) D-SRS-NS006
Senior Trading Standards Officer/Licensing Enforcement Officer (Part Time) - London Borough of Bexley
Head of Planning and Environmental Health – Elmbridge Borough Council 150923
Licensing & Enforcement Officer - Reading Borough Council 150923
(Trainee) (Senior) Licensing Technician - Preston City Council 190923
Licensing Officer - London Borough of Brent
Chair of Industry Forum Birmingham, West Midlands (with hybrid working) 280923
Licensing Officer - Rushmoor Borough Council 290923
LICENSING OFFICER - ENFORCEMENT: High Peak Borough Council and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council102023
Team Manager - Premises Licensing - London Borough Of Waltham Forest
Guildford Borough Council - Compliance Officer - Licensing 091023
Licensing Assistant (M220) - Charnwood Borough Council 201023
Licensing Manager - Derbyshire Dales District Council 201023
Licensing Officer x4 - Bristol City Council
Team Leader (Licensing) - Bedford Borough Council 311023
Licensing Compliance Officer - Bedford Borough Council 311023
Licensing Officer - Elmbridge Borough Council
Licensing & Enforcement Officer - North East Derbyshire District Council
Senior Licensing Practitioner - Co-op 211123
Licensing Compliance Officer - Bedford Borough Council 01/12/2023
Senior Technical Officer or Technical Officer (Licensing Enforcement) 04/12/2023
Licensing Officer - Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council 071223
Team Leader (Licensing) - Bedford Borough Council 050224
Licensing Compliance Officer - Bedford Borough Council 050224
Team Leader Licensing, London Borough of Redbridge 06/02/2024
Senior Licensing Officer, Woking Borough Council 06/02/2024
Licensing Officer - Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council
Environmental Health Team Leader, North West Leicestershire DC, 09/02/2024
Licensing Administration Officer, Tewkesbury Borough Council - 09/02/2024
Licensing Support Officer, Stoke On Trent City Council 12/02/2024
Licensing Officer, Stevenage Borough Council - 13/02/2024
Senior Licensing Officer – Runnymede Borough Council 23022024
Senior Licensing Officer - Elmbridge Borough Council 230224
Licensing Officer - Canterbury City Council 260224
Senior Licensing Officer - LA'03 & Gambling St Helens Borough Council 290224
Licensing Officer - Arun District Council 290224
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer - London Borough of Enfield 050324
Consumer Protection Manager - Knowsley Council 050324
Senior Licensing Officer - City of Westminster 140324
Section Leader - Licensing City of Wolverhampton Council 180324
Markets Development Officer - Canterbury City Council 180324
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead 190324
Licensing Adviser - Norwich City Council - 20/03/2024
Technical Licensing Officer, North Yorkshire Council - 20/03/2024
Chief Licensing Officer - Sheffield City Council
Institute of Licensing - work with us!
Planning and Public Protection Officer - Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils 220424
Technical Licensing Officer - Central/Harrogate Area (094872) 240424
Licensing Officer - Nuneaton & Bedworth Council
Section Leader - Licensing - City of Wolverhampton Council 260424
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Milton Keynes City Council 010524
Principal Licensing Officer - Milton Keynes City Council 010524
Senior Licensing Officer - Folkestone & Hythe District Council 030524
2 x Temporary Licensing Technical Compliance Officers - Ashfield District Council 030524
Lead Licensing Officer - Dacorum Borough Council 030524
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer - The London Borough of Newham 130524
Night Time Economy Officer - Bristol City Council
Licensing Team Leader - Blaby District Council 15052024
Technical Officer (Licensing) - Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council 150524
Senior Licensing Enforcement Officer - London Borough of Enfield 150524
Enforcement Officer – Southwark Council 20052024
Lead Licensing Compliance Practitioner - Cornwall Council 230524
Enforcement Officer - East Staffordshire Borough Council 250524
Licensing Officer - East Staffordshire Borough Council 230524
Compliance Officer (Licensing) - East Staffordshire Borough Council 230524
Licensing Officer - Leeds City Council 280524
Licensing Enforcement Officer - Bassetlaw District Council 290524
Senior Licensing Officer - Arun District Council 050624
Licensing Compliance Officer - Oxford City Council 140624
Licensing Officer - Animal Welfare - Hillingdon Borough Council 140624
Case Services Team Leader - Regulatory & Parking Services - Guildford Borough Council 210624
Licensing & Public Protection Manager – Cheltenham Borough Council 01072024
Licensing Officer - Watford Borough Council 020724
Licensing Officer - Folkestone & Hythe District Council 150724
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