How We Operate

The work of the IoL Board is delegated to committees. In addition, ad-hoc working groups are formed when required. To contact any of the Board, please visit our contacts page.

  • Management, Organisation & Development Committee
  • Chairman’s Committee
  • Training & Qualifications Committee

The IoL Board sets general direction and policy for the IoL, and are responsible for the governance of the charity and its subsidiary trading company (Institute of Licensing Events Ltd) in accordance with both charity and company laws. You can find out more details about our objects and how we operate in our:


The IoL employs a small but dedicated team to undertake the work of the charity and its subsidiary. 

The Chair and Vice Chair(s) of the IoL are ex-officio members of all committees. IoL officers sit on all committees in a non-voting capacity. The committees are delegated to undertake specific work on behalf of the Board and report to the Board. Board members serve on the committees along with other IoL members who volunteer their time to support the work of the IoL.


A key working strength for the IoL are its 12 regions which operate throughout the UK. Each region is operated through a regionally elected committee and hold regular meetings and events locally for regional members. IoL members are entitled to attend any regional meeting regardless of their ‘home region’.

The regions are part of the charity and are bound by the terms of its Memorandum & Articles of Association. In addition, the IoL has a regional constitution which provides additional guidance to the regional committees in relation to the operation of the regions including their AGM meetings and election of officers.

Each of the regions are required to elect a Regional Director. This can be a role held by the Chair of the Region or another elected person. The Regional Directors represent their regions on the Board, are Directors / Trustees of the charity.