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Nightclub brings High Court challenge after licence revoked at remote hearing Published Date: 18/05/2024

A nightclub in Catford, south-east London, has appealed against the revocation of its premises licence in November 2022 by the Licensing Committee of the London Borough of Lewisham. Among the grounds of appeal is a challenge to Lewisham’s use of Microsoft Teams to conduct the hearing.

In April 2023, District Judge Abdel-Sayed ruled in Lewisham’s favour, agreeing with the Council that remote hearings were permitted under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Licensing Act (Hearings) Regulations 2005.

The nightclub issued an appeal by case stated against the District Judge’s decision, which is due to be heard by the High Court on 15 May 2024.

This was the first time the senior courts have considered this issue and the ruling will affect every licensing authority in England.

The High Court reserved its judgement and we will report on the judgement in due course.