Terms & Conditions

Event Booking Cancellations

Please note that for cancellations made less than 28 days before an event/training date the Institute of Licensing reserves the right to charge the full event/training fee. Any cancellations made after an invoice has been issued will be subject to an administration charge of £30. This is necessary to cover costs incurred by the Institute in relation to administration, catering, accommodation etc and will be particularly relevant for residential courses/training events where a significant proportion of the delegate fee is to cover the accommodation provided.

Event Cancellations

The Institute of Licensing reserves the right to cancel events or training where necessary and undertakes to do so at least 3 weeks prior to the course. We accept no liability for travel or accommodation costs incurred more than 3 weeks before an event. Where a course is cancelled less than 3 weeks in advance, the IoL will refund booked travel and accommodation at a standard rate only (i.e. 2nd class rail fare etc). Any claims must be supported by proof of booking and costs incurred.

The following sections provide information and guidance for article contributions to the Institute of Licensing’s publication: Journal of Licensing (JoL). This includes the style of commissioned and unsolicited articles as well as copyright guidelines.

Views expressed in the JoL are not necessarily the official views of the Institute of Licensing (IoL). All rights of reproduction, translation and adaptation are reserved for all countries.

The IoL accept no responsibility collectively or individually for the service of agencies or persons advertised or announced in the pages of the Journal.

General Information

Please submit articles by email as Word attachments, together with a brief biography. If you are using quotations, identify the sources and for references give full information. For any queries see the House Style document and/or contact the editorial team journal@instituteoflicensing.org

An edited version of any article published in the JoL may also appear on the IoL website.

Please advise us if your article has been published or submitted to any other publication. If your article is accepted, you may be asked to revise it if necessary in order, for example, to shorten it or to clarify something. The article will be edited to some extent and you will not necessarily have the opportunity to change it or to approve the final version prior to publication.

Suggestions for articles and submissions are welcome, but these may be changed by the editorial team.

The editorial team reserves the right to edit/publish all materials submitted. Not all articles submitted are published.

Proposals for articles should be submitted and discussed with the editorial team, please email journal@instituteoflicensing.org


Written contributions are accepted on the basis that the IoL is granted rights of use in the JoL in paper form and online on the IoL website.

Contributors may re-use material provided that the JoL is consulted and there is no conflict of interest.

Any permission to reproduce the material will be subject to the source of the article (author and JoL) being acknowledged. If you are not happy for your article to be used in this way, please advise us when submitting the article.


  1. A Member shall be liable to disciplinary action if:
    1. they are in breach of the Code of Ethics.
    2. they have through their professional conduct acted in a way which is likely to bring discredit to the Institute.
    3. they have failed to comply with instructions from the Disciplinary Panel.

Complaints against a member

  1. Any person may bring to the attention of the Executive Officer or a Member of the Board, any fact or matter which may indicate that a Member may be liable to disciplinary action.
  2. Every Member has a duty where it is in the public interest to do so, to report any facts or matters indicating that a Member may be liable to disciplinary action. Informal advice may be obtained from the Executive Officer, the Regional Chair or any member of the Board in relation to whether a matter is in the public interest.
  3. Where such matters are brought to the attention of the Executive Officer or a Member of the Board, they shall be referred to the Chairman who will initiate the procedures as outlined.

The Disciplinary Panel

  1. Where a matter is required to be dealt with under the disciplinary procedures, the Chairman shall refer the matter to a Panel (the Disciplinary Panel). The Panel will comprise of not less than 3 Members of the Board including the Chairman or a Vice Chairman. Members of the Panel are appointed at the discretion of the Chairman or in his absence a Vice Chairman.
  2. The Regional Chairman for the relevant Member shall not take part in the Panel, and any Board Members who may have a prejudicial interest shall declare the interest and exclude themselves from the Panel.
  3. The member will be informed of the complaint and advised that the matter has been referred to a Disciplinary Panel and be informed of the members sitting on the Disciplinary Panel.
  4. The Panel shall, as soon as practicable, consider the complaint. If the complaint does not raise a prima facie case for disciplinary action, then it shall be summarily dismissed and the complainant(s) and member informed.
  5. If the complaint and any supporting evidence raises a prima facie case for disciplinary action, and is not considered to be frivolous or vexatious, then the Member shall be provided with the complaint and any supporting evidence and invited to make written, or further written, representations in response within 28 days(or such other reasonable time as the Panel may indicate).
  6. The Panel may make requests for further information or make such other enquiries as it sees fit at any time prior to determination of the complaint.
  7. Complaints will generally be determined on consideration of the papers. However the Panel may, but need not, hold an oral hearing if it is considered appropriate or necessary to do so. If an oral hearing is convened the member has a right to attend, be represented, and address the Panel. The hearing shall be held in private unless the Panel orders otherwise.
  8. The Panel may also request independent legal advice.
  9. The Panel shall consider the case, may deliberate in private, and may: ‐
    1. Dismiss the allegation as unproven / unfounded
    2. Take no action
    3. Warn the Member as to future conduct
    4. Recommend remedial action to be taken by the Member
    5. Invite the Member to resign membership from the Institute
    6. Make a formal recommendation, with reasons, to the Board of Directors to exercise their powers under 2.9.3 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association to resolve the member be expelled from membership.
  10. If expulsion from membership is being recommended the member shall be given an opportunity, with at least 14 clear days’ notice, to make written representations to the Board.
  11. The Panel shall notify the Member in writing of the decision within 5 working days of determination of the matter.
  12. The Chairman and Regional Chair shall be notified of the decision (in writing) as soon as practicable.

Records of Hearings

  1. Full records of the hearing including the evidence under consideration, notes in relation to the hearing itself, and a record of the decision shall be made.
  2. The decisions of the Disciplinary Panel shall be reported to the Institute Board at the next available meeting.
  3. Records of the hearings and determinations shall be passed to the Company Secretary who will on behalf of the Institute, retain such records securely for a period of 5 years from the date of the hearing.
  4. Records relating to previous matters may, at the discretion of the Disciplinary Panel form part of the evidence in considering a Members conduct.

The Board of the Institute of Licensing has approved the following Code of Ethics which IoL Members agree on (membership) application to abide by:

Act with integrity

Never put our own gain above the interests of our employers, clients or others to whom we have a professional responsibility. Respect their confidentiality at all times and always consider the wider interests of society in our judgements.

Always be honest and objective

Be objective, trustworthy and never deliberately mislead by withholding or misrepresenting information. Share the full facts with our employers, clients and others, making information as plain and intelligible as possible.

Keep up to date and act within our limitations

Ensure through professional development that we are up to date with current law and practice for the licensing disciplines in which we specialise. Be aware of the limits of our competence and do not be tempted to work beyond these. Never commit to more than we can deliver.

Be accountable for all our actions

Take responsibility for our actions and do not blame others if things go wrong.

Set a good example and treat others with respect

Remember that both our public and private behaviour could affect our own and the Institute of Licensing’s reputation. Never discriminate.

Have the courage to make a stand

Act if we suspect a risk to safety, illegality or malpractice of any sort.

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