Institute of Licensing Membership

Personal Membership

Member Benefits

Benefits of being an IoL member include discounted training course fees, full access to the IoL website including a large resource area, free copies of IoL’s Journal & LINK magazine, discounted publications and partner discounts.

Associate Membership

Open to any person with an interest in licensing.  All members must read and understand the Institute’s Code of Ethics that applies to all members.

England & Wales Full Membership

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Scotland Individual Full Membership

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Ireland Individual Full Membership

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Individual Membership

Specialist professional knowledge and experience in one or more fields of licensing, along with a broader general appreciation of licensing practice and its context.

The following routes are currently available for demonstrating such knowledge and experience:

  • A degree level qualification in licensing (for example, Certificate of Higher Education in Licensing Law) plus experience in licensing for at least two years.
  • A degree or other equivalent relevant professional qualification and relevant experience in licensing for at least three years
  • Knowledge and experience shown to be equivalent to 1 or 2 (for example, one or more approved qualifications in licensing below degree level) and relevant experience in licensing for at least four years
  • Knowledge and documented experience over a long period of at least four years, deemed by the Board in the individual circumstances of the case to be an equivalent qualification for professional membership.

All members must read and understand the Institute’s Code of Ethics that applies to all members.

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Fellowship will be awarded, following nomination by 2 members of the Institute, to an individual where it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Institute’s Membership and Qualifications Committee that the individual:

  • is a member of the Institute or meets the criteria for membership; and
  • has normally made a significant contribution to the Institute and has made a MAJOR contribution in the field of licensing, for example through significant achievement in one or more of the following
  • Recognised published work
  • Research leading to changes in the licensing field or as part of recognised published work
  • Exceptional teaching or educational development
  • Legislative drafting
  • Pioneering or taking a leading role in licensing initiatives or developments, leading to significant changes or having a significant impact.

It is stressed that Fellowship is intended for individuals who have made exceptional contributions to licensing and/or related fields, rather than those who have simply done their jobs well.

Companion Membership

 Deemed by the Board (following recommendation from the relevant Institute of Licensing Committee) to have substantially advanced the general field of licensing. Limited to 12 living members (those elected to Companionship must be or become Institute of Licensing Members).

Paterson’s Licensing Acts

An exclusive 15% discount is available for Institute of Licensing (IoL) members.

This authoritative work provides a summary of the major changes in licensing law of England and Wales over the past 12 months. In one volume, it gives a comprehensive analysis of new and forthcoming changes in licensing law and incorporates all relevant legislation, regulations, orders, standard forms and precedents. The accompanying CD replicates the book and features historical materials no longer included in the print copy.

Francis Taylor Buildings

An exclusive 15% discount is available for Institute of Licensing (IoL) members.

Francis Taylor Building is recognised by the independent legal directories as the leading set of barristers in the field of licensing. We advise and represent clients throughout the public and private sectors including local authorities, police forces, resident groups as well as the leading commercial operators and small businesses. Our objective is to provide an outstanding, modern, accessible and cost-effective service to all our clients whoever they may be.

*This offer is limited to one instruction of chambers per instructing individual, firm or organisation. Fees must be agreed with Chambers’ Clerks at the time of instructing.

Cornerstone Barristers

An exclusive 10% discount is available for Institute of Licensing (IoL) members.

Cornerstone Barristers is a leading licensing set recognised by the legal directories. We are experts in all aspects of licensing law and advocacy, including alcohol, gambling, entertainment, sex and taxi law. We are friendly, approachable and provide outstanding client service.

Our members will offer a 10% discount to Institute of Licensing members.

Please quote the code IoL2024 when you call our clerks to instruct one of our members.


A 5% discount is available to Institute of Licensing members.

Professional Contracts. Quick & Simple. MyProContract is a one-stop shop providing legally drafted contracts, agreements and policies. It boasts over 100 off-the-shelf templates for easy use by the taxi and private hire trade across the United Kingdom. Whether a company, union or individual, MyProContract can offer simple solutions to your needs. Our growing catalogue includes passenger terms, driver contracts, vehicle hire agreements, privacy notices and many more. Each template has been expertly drafted by the leading taxi licensing law consultants, and contract law specialists, at Travis Morley Law. Relying on 20 years professional experience, its experts possess a strong track record and established reputation.