Market impact data on gambling behaviour – operator data to June 2024
The Gambling Commission has published further data on the gambling industry in Great Britain.
This data, sourced from operators, reflects the period between March 2020 and June 2024, inclusive, and covers online and in-person gambling covering Licensed Betting Operators (LBOs) found on Britain’s high streets.
Comparison should not be made with the industry statistics dataset, as this dataset may include free bets and bonuses and does not include data from all operators.
This release compares Quarter 1 (Q1) of financial year 2024 to 2025, with Q1 of 2023 to 2024, looking at how the market has changed in comparative periods over a year.
The latest operator data shows1:
LBO GGY decreased by 1 percent to £582 million in Q1 2024 to 2025, compared to the same quarter last year, while the number of total bets and spins decreased 1 percent to 3.2 billion.
- online total Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) in Q1 (April to June) was £1.46 billion, an increase of 12 percent from Q1 the previous year. The overall number of total bets and/or spins increased 11 percent Year-on-Year (YoY), reaching a new peak for the second consecutive quarter of 24.5 billion, whilst the average monthly active accounts2 in the quarter increased 9 percent
- real event betting GGY increased by 16 percent YoY to £625 million. The number of bets decreased 7 percent, while the average monthly active accounts in Q1 increased 11 percent. Major sporting events such as UEFA Euro 2024 taking place this quarter would be a contributing factor to this increase
- slots GGY increased 10 percent to £642 million YoY. The number of spins increased 12 percent to 22.4 billion while the average monthly active accounts in Q1 increased 11 percent to 4.4 million per month. This is a peak for GGY, spins, and average monthly active accounts in this dataset for the slots vertical
- the number of online slots sessions lasting longer than an hour increased by 8 percent YoY to 9.6 million. The average session length remained consistent at 17 minutes. Approximately 6 percent of all sessions lasted more than one hour, the lowest percentage recorded in the dataset