Concept Club’s Licence Revoked
Duke Street’s Concept Club had initially been handed a temporary suspension by Westminster City Council following the brawl, which resulted in injuries, including one man being stabbed in the abdomen.
According to the BBC, at the licensing hearing, the Met Police’s legal representative, Armin Solimani, said the force was asking for the licence to be revoked because the licensee, Electshow Ltd, had engaged in “wilful breaches” of conditions, with the fight as a result.
He added, officers had been unable to access details including guest lists and till receipts when requested, and described the club’s actions as “obstructive”.
Mr Solimani added the police were told the venue scanned customers’ IDs when they came in and that this constituted forming a membership, a claim he described as “completely unacceptable”.
The police’s request was backed by the licensing authority and the council’s environmental health service, as well as the site’s landlord, Dukeson Properties Ltd. James Rankin appeared for the site landlord, Dukeson Properties Ltd.
At the hearing, the club’s counsel, Sarah Clover, said there had been a lot of “misinformation and inaccuracy” in submissions from the police and other authorities, including regarding the ability for the venue to operate as a nightclub.
She added there was nothing to suggest the police was impeded in their investigation, and described the existing licence as a “Frankenstein’s Monster of add-ons”, which was confusing and ambiguous in its application.
Summing up, she said there was not a “clear correlation between breaches of conditions…and an inability to run the premises in a trustworthy and effective manner”.
Westminster City Council’s licensing Sub Committee agreed that it was appropriate to revoke the venue’s licence. The LSC ordered the interim step suspension to continue. As a consequence, the premises will be unable to trade pending any appeal. A full decision is due to be published on the council’s website in due course.