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Unlicensed dog breeder prosecuted Published Date: 22/05/2024

A Bishop’s Cleeve woman pleaded guilty to one offence in relation to breeding dogs at her home address without a licence at Cheltenham Magistrates Court Monday, 13 May 2024. 


Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Licensing team with the assistance of the Counter Fraud and Enforcement Unit (CFEU) successfully prosecuted an individual for offences relating to the Animal Welfare Act 2006. 


The Bishop’s Cleeve resident was not licensed to breed dogs. The resident was sentenced to a fine of £275, victim surcharge of £34 and a contribution to the costs of the council of £85. An agreement was also made that the owned dogs would be neutered. 


Local authorities have more powers to prosecute unlicensed breeders since 2018 licensing regulations. 


Cllr Sarah Hands, Lead Member for Environmental Services, said:


‘’Unlicensed breeding is a serious matter and we’ll continue to investigate reports and concerns raised by the public. We hope this successful prosecution acts as a deterrent to others. 


‘’We encourage anyone who is thinking of dog breeding to contact our licensing team who will be able to advise on a case-by-case basis.’’